Battle of Maxia

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Battle of Maxia
Part of the Federation-Ferengi skirmishes
Date 2355
Location Maxia Zeta system
Result Federation victory
Ferengi Alliance Federation
Daimon Bok's Son † Captain Jean-Luc Picard
An unknown D'Kora class starship of the Ferengi Alliance The USS Stargazer (NCC-2893)
One ship and all hands lost; number unknown One ship lost; loss of life minimal

In the fictional Star Trek universe, the Battle of Maxia was an altercation in 2355 between a Federation ship and a Ferengi vessel. While in the Maxia Zeta solar system, the USS Stargazer (NCC-2893), under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, suffered an unprovoked attack from a then-unidentified alien spacecraft, disabling its deflector shields.

[edit] Picard Maneuver

The USS Stargazer engaging the Picard Maneuver in "The Battle" where it appears in two places at one time
The USS Stargazer engaging the Picard Maneuver in "The Battle" where it appears in two places at one time

Picard commanded the Stargazer to make a short warp jump toward the attacking ship, outrunning the light of its own image coming from its former location. The Ferengi were momentarily distracted by what appeared to be a second ship coming out of warp, providing the Stargazer with enough time to destroy them. The crippled Stargazer's crew abandoned her in lifeboats and shuttlecraft, without scuttling her, and were recovered ten weeks later. Picard was court-martialed, but cleared of wrongdoing.

The "Picard Maneuver" became required reading for Starfleet Academy students, though it would only work against enemies limited to sub-light sensors.

Amongst the Ferengi losses was Daimon Bok's son. After his death, Bok became obsessed with gaining revenge on Picard for his son's death, to the point of mental instability. This mental illness was recognized by his fellow Ferengi because he became motivated by desire for revenge rather than desire for profit, as Ferengi norms dictate.

[edit] Trivia

Off-camera, staff members began to jokingly refer to Patrick Stewart's habit of tugging down his shirt as he stood up as the "Picard Maneuver".

[edit] External link