Battle of Kallo

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Eighty Years' War
OosterweelRheindalenHeiligerleeJemmingenJodoigneBrielleHaarlemFlushingBorseleZuiderzeeAlkmaarLeidenReimerswaalMookerheydeGemblouxMaastricht1st BredaPunta DelgadaAntwerpBoksumZutphen1st Bergen op ZoomGravelines2nd BredaTurnhoutNieuwpoortOstendSluysGibraltar2nd Bergen op Zoom3rd BredaBay of Matanzas's-HertogenboschMaastricht4th BredaKalloThe DownsHulstPuerto de Cavite

The Battle of Kallo (June 20th 1638) was a battle of the Eighty Years' War. It took place when a Dutch army tried to surround the city of Antwerp. As the Dutch approached, Ferdinand of Austria managed to assemble an army and almost miraculously is able to repulse the much larger Dutch army. The Dutch army lost a few hundred men including the son of its commander.

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