Battle of Intombe

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Battle of Intombe
Part of the Anglo-Zulu War
Date March 12, 1879
Location Right bank of the Intombe river, Zululand, South Africa
Result Zulu victory
Britain Zulu Nation
Captain David Moriarty
106 troops Several thousand
62 killed Unknown, but light
Anglo-Zulu War
IsandlwanaRorke's DriftIntombeHlobaneKambulaGingindlovuEshoweUlundi

The Battle of Intombe (also Intombi or Intombi River Drift) was fought on March 12, 1879, between British and Zulu forces.


[edit] Prelude

The village of Luneberg, in the disputed territories to the north of Zululand, had been laagered by its white settlers ever since the Anglo-Zulu war had began. The Zulus posed a serious threat to the area (as indicated by a vicious night attack on the area on the night of 10th/11th of February). Fearing a repeat of the attack, the British dispatched four companies of the 80th Regiment under Major Charles Tucker to garrison Luneberg.

In late February, a convoy of eighteen wagons was sent from Lyndeburg to re-supply the garrison, and from the Transvaal border was escorted by a single company. By 5 March the convoy was still 8 miles from Luneberg, having been hampered by rains which caused the rivers to swell and the ground to soften. Fearing a Zulu attack, Major Tucker sent an order for to the company commander to reach Luneberg that night 'at any cost'. Unfortunately, the company commander took this literally and abandoned the wagons and proceeded on.

The escort had succeeded in having six wagons reach the opposite bank of the Intombe, four miles from Luneberg. Six other wagons were three miles further back.

On the 6th of March, a party dispatched by Tucker only succeeded in pulling free a wagon which was trapped in a drift, returning to the town that night.

On the 7th, Tucker dispatched Captain David Moriarty with a hundred men to gather together all the wagons and laager them on the bank of the Intombe, and then gave orders for them to wait until the river went down.

On the 11th of March, Tucker inspected the laager at the river but found it to be poorly constructed, not being impressed with the inverted 'V' shape in that the wagons were arranged, with the base at the river. The river however, had went down and there was a gap of several yards between the base and the river. Other flaws in the arrangement were viewed by Tucker as affording no 'protection whatever in the event of the Zulus attacking in numbers'. Furthermore, the garrison was weakened by the fact that thirty of its number were camped on the other bank of the river.

[edit] The Battle

On the night of the 11th, two sentries were stationed 20 yards from the laager, however their vision range was only 50 yards due to a rise to their front.

At 3.30am on the 12th, a shot was heard close to the camp, however the men returned to their beds after Moriarty decided that it was nothing.

An hour and a half later, a sentry on the far bank saw to his horror, through a clearing in the mist, a huge mass of Zulus advancing silently on the camp. 'He at once fired his rifle and gave the alarm,' Tucker recorded. 'The sentries on the other side did the same. Of course the men were up in a moment, some men sleeping under the wagons and some in the tents; but before the men were in their positions the Zulus had fired a volley, thrown down their guns... and were around the wagons and on top of them, and even inside with the cattle, almost instantly. So quickly did they come, there was really no defence on the part of our men; it was simply each man fighting for his life, and in a few minutes all was over, our men being simply slaughtered.'

Being one of the first to die, Moriarty was struck in the back with an assegai as he charged out of his tent, shooting dead three Zulus with a revolver. He was shot while trying to climb the laager. His last words were 'I am done; fire away, boys.' However, few managed to put up any resistance, sharing a similar fate. The few survivors fled into the river, the troops on the far bank providing as much covering fire as possible. Upon what survivors they could see reaching the Luneberg side of the river, Lieutenant Henry Harward, Moriarty's second-in-command, gave the order to withdraw upon seeing several hundred Zulus crossing the river. No sooner had he done this, when he grabbed the first horse he spotted and fled, abandoning his men.

This left the survivors under the command of Colour-Sergeant Anthony Booth. For three miles, the Zulus pursued the group of around forty survivors. Whenever they drew closer, several of the bolder troops, along with Booth stopped to deliver a volley, which dispersed their pursuers. Four men who split up from the group were killed. The others made it to Raby's Farm, around two miles from Luneburg where the Zulus broke off pursuit. Booth was rewarded with the Victoria Cross.

[edit] Aftermath

Harward arrived at Luneberg and frantically informed Tucker of what had transpired. The Major quickly ordered all his mounted troops to accompany him to the camp, and ordered a further 150 foot soldiers to follow. Tucker and his mounted force spotted 'dense masses' of Zulus leaving the scene of the battle as they approached. At the camp, they discovered one soldier who had made a miraculous escape by being carried down the river and then making his way back to the camp. He and two african wagon drivers were the only survivors they found.

Miraculously, Harward escaped the charges brought on him, however his career was over and so he resigned his commission in May 1880.

[edit] See also

[edit] Sources

  • Zulu, The Heroism and Tragedy of the Zulu War of 1879, Saul David, 2005.

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