Battle of Fei River

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Battle of Fei River
Date November 383 AD
Location Fei River, China
Result Overwhelming Jin victory.
Former Qin Dynasty Eastern Jin Dynasty
Fu Jiān (Emperor Xuanzhao of Former Qin); Fu Rong Xie Shi; Xie Xuan
300,000 ? 80,000 ?
70%-80% losses. Unknown

The Battle of Fei River or “Feishui” (Traditional Chinese: 淝水之戰; Simplified Chinese: 淝水之战; pinyin: Féishŭi zhī zhàn) was a battle in 383, where Fu Jiān (T.: 苻堅) of the Former Qin was decisively defeated by the numerically inferior army of Eastern Jin.[1] (The location of the battle, the Fei River, no longer exists, but is believed to have flowed through modern Lu'an, Anhui, near the Huai River).[2] The battle is considered to be one of the most significant battles in the history of China.[3] The aftermath of the battle includes the Former Qin empire falling into massive civil war and its eventual destruction, ensuring the survival of Eastern Jin and other regimes south of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang).[3]


[edit] Background

The state of Former Qin, lead by ethnic Di (氐) tribesman[1], rose rapidly from a string of successes in the 350s[citation needed]. Fu Jiān, nephew of the founder Fu Jiàn[citation needed], was a vigorous leader of tremendous drive and ambition[3]. In 370 he conquered the state of Former Yan[citation needed] and in 373 seized modern Sichuan and Chongqing from Jin[citation needed]. In 379, the strategically important city of Xiangyang, gateway to the Middle Yangtze fell to Qin[citation needed]. By 381, he had conquered all of north China and was preparing for an invasion of the south.[4][5]

In May of 383, a Jin army of 100,000 commanded by Huan Chong attempted to recover Xiangyang but was driven off by a Qin relief column of 50,000 men[6]. In response, Fu Jiān ordered a general mobilization against Jin: 1 in 10 able men were conscripted, and 30,000 elite guards (羽林郎) were gathered. In August of 383, Fu Jiān sent his brother, Fu Rong the Duke of Yangping (who had opposed the campaign) with an army of 300,000 as the advance force. Later that month, Fu Jiān marched with his army of 270,000 cavalry and 600,000 infantry from Chang'an[6]. In September, Fu Jiān reached Xiangcheng. Separate columns were to push downstream from Sichuan, but the main offensive would occur against the city of Shouchun on the Huai River[citation needed]. Emperor Xiaowu of Jin hurriedly made preparations for defense. He gave Huan Chong responsibility for the defense of the Middle Yangzi[citation needed]. The pressing defense of the Huai River was given to Xie Shi (謝石) and Xie Xuan (謝玄) and the elite 80,000-strong Beifu Army (北府兵)[6]. The prime minister Xie An oversaw overall strategy, and, while he lacked military abilities, he calmed the panicking officials and people by himself acting in a calming manner[4][5].

[edit] Former Qin Army

Fu Jiān's force was composed of many smaller armies levied from the conquered northern territories, along with cavalry drawn from the nomadic peoples of the north (the Xianbei and Xiongnu)[1]. Fu was warned of the poor state of training of his heterogeneous army, but instead chose to rely on the vast number of men that made up the army saying "My army is so huge that if all the men throw their whips into the Yangtze, its flow will be stopped."[1]

[edit] Jin Army

Xie Xuan's local army were well motivated to protect their homeland, and had a good local knowledge of the terrain - an advantage that would allow them to engage advance elements of the enemy and withdraw quickly.

[edit] Battle

In October 383, the Former Qin forces under Fu Rong captured the important Jin city Shouyang (壽陽, in modern Lu'an, Anhui)[6]. Fu Jiān, seeing a possibility of a quick victory, left his main force at Xiangcheng and led 8000 light cavalry to rendezvous with Fu Rong. Fu Jiān sent the captured Jin official Zhu Xu (朱序) as a messenger, to try to persuade Xie Shi to surrender[6]. Instead, Zhu tipped Xie Shi to the fact that the entire Former Qin force had not arrived yet, and that he should try to defeat the advance Former Qin forces to try to lead to a collapse[6]. Under Zhu's suggestion, Xie Xuan and Liu Laozhi (劉牢之) led 5,000 elite troops to engage the advance Former Qin force and scored a demoralizing victory, killing 15,000 men[6].

In November 383, the Former Qin troops set up camp west of the Fei River[6]. The Jin forces stopped east of the Fei River and could not advance[6]. Xie Xuan sent a messenger to Fu Rong, suggesting that that the Former Qin forces retreat slightly west to allow Jin forces to cross the Fei River, so that the two armies could engage[6]. Most Former Qin generals opposed[6], but Fu Jiān overruled them, planning to attack the Jin forces as they were crossing the river[6]. Fu Rong agreed, and he ordered a retreat[6].

The Jin's tactic of ambush and bribery now payed off. In retreat with a lowered morale, when Zhu Xu raised a cry of "the Qin army has been defeated," the army went into a panic and was routed[1], and Xie Xuan and other generals Xie Yan (謝琰) and Huan Yi (桓伊) crossed the river and launched a major assault[6]. Fu Rong tried to personally halt the retreat and reorganize his troops[6], but his horse suddenly fell, and he was killed by Jin troops[6]. The Jin soldiers continued their pursuit, and the entire Former Qin force collapsed[6]. In the ensuing retreat and pursuit, plus famine and death from exposure, an estimate of 70-80% of the Former Qin force were killed [6].

[edit] Aftermath

Fu Jiān's forces would not at all be reorganizable[citation needed], even after he eventually withdrew to Luoyang under the protection of Murong Chui[citation needed], whose 30,000-men army was one of the few which did not collapse.[5]

Meanwhile, there were agrarian rebellions that rose after news of the defeat at Fei River[citation needed]. Murong Chui would use this opportunity to request Fu Jiān to permit him to try to lead an army to pressure the rebels in the eastern empire back into submission[citation needed]. Instead, Murong Chui himself rebelled in early 384, which started a chain reaction of many Xianbei and Qiang uprisings[citation needed]. The Former Qin capital Chang'an would fall in 385 to the Xianbei forces of Western Yan[citation needed], and Fu Jiān himself would die later that year at the hands of his former general Yao Chang[citation needed], the founder of Later Qin. While Former Qin would last until 394, it would never regain its power and glory[7].

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d e C J Peers (1995). Imperial Chinese Armies (1) 200 BC - AD 589. Osprey Publishing. ISBN 1-85532-514-4. 
  2. ^ Bo Yang, Bo Yang Edition of the Zizhi Tongjian, vol. 26.
  3. ^ a b c Bo Yang, Summaries of the History of the Chinese People (中國人史綱, Zhongguoren Shigang), vol. 1, chp. 17.
  4. ^ a b Zizhi Tongjian, vol. 104.
  5. ^ a b c Zizhi Tongjian, vol. 105.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Zizhi Tongjian.
  7. ^ Book of Jin, vol. 114[1].
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