Battle of Dalrigh

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Battle of Dalrigh
Part of Wars of Scottish Independence
Date 1306
Location Dalrigh, Lorne, Scotland
Result Victory for the MacDougalls, the domestic enemies of Robert Bruce
Scottish Royal Army Clan MacDougall of Lorn
Robert I of Scotland (Bruce) John MacDougall
unknown unknown
unknown unknown
First War of Scottish Independence
DunbarStirling BridgeFalkirkRoslin – Happrew – Stirling CastleMethvenDalryGlen TroolLoudron Hill – Slioch – InveruriePass of BranderBannockburn – Connor – Skaitmuir– Skerries – Faughart – Berwick – MytonArbroathBoroughbridgeOld BylandCorbeilStanhope ParkEdinburgh-Northampton
Wars of Scottish Independence

The Battle of Dalrigh, also known as the Battle of Dail Righ or Dalry was fought in the summer of 1306 between the army of Robert Bruce and the Macdougalls of Argyll, kinsmen of the murdered John Comyn, and allies of the English. It took place at the hamlet of Dalrigh (the "King's Field" in the Scottish Gaelic language) near Tyndrum in Argyll, Scotland (which is not to be confused with Dalry in Ayrshire).

Bruce's army reeling westwards after defeat by the English at the Battle of Methven was intercepted and all but destroyed, Bruce himself narrowly escaping capture. The exact date cannot be established, but it took place sometime between late July and early August.


[edit] The Macdougalls

By the late thirteenth century the Clan MacDougall had emerged as the most powerful of the descendants of Somerled, a former king of the Western Isles. Alexander Macdougall, the head of the family, was related by marriage to John Balliol and his nephew John Comyn. He attained high office when Balliol was king, being appointed sheriff of Lorn in February 1293. Alexander managed to extend his power still further at the expense of the Macdonalds of Islay and the Campbells of Loch Awe, whom he defeated in battle sometime in the mid-1290s. The outbreak of the War of Independence in 1296 placed the Macdougalls on the side of the Scottish patriots. This changed in the most dramatic fashion in February 1306, when Robert Bruce murdered John Comyn. Soon after Bruce seized the crown, and the Macdougalls and other families with Balliol and Comyn associations became firm allies of the English.

[edit] The King's Field

In June 1306 Robert Bruce and his army were caught unprepared at Methven to the west of Perth by Aymer de Valence, an English general acting for Edward I. What was left of his army retreated westwards, towards the mountains of Argyll. When they reached Strathfillan they found their path blocked at Tyndrum by a large force of Macdougalls, said to have numbered 1000 men, commanded by Alexander's son, John of Lorn, also known as John Bacach-'the Lame.' We do not know Valence's exact location at this time, but it is likely that his army was not far to the east in pursuit of his defeated enemy. Unable to retreat Bruce's little army was forced into battle in disadvantageous circumstances. The exact site of the battle is known in Gaelic as Dail Righ-the King's Field-though it is uncertain if this was the name at the time or added afterwards by the chroniclers.

The only sources we have for the Battle of Dalry are pro-Bruce, and tend at every turn to put a favourable interpretation upon the King's actions. John Barbour has him 'boldly waiting' to engage John in battle, though 'his followers were all too few'. However, Bruce's army had just been defeated and would have needed time to recoup; so it is possible that the Macdougalls took him by surprise. Barbour provides some justification for such an interpretation, providing no description of preparations or dispositions-as he does elsewhere-, just an account of a quick and very close engagement.

Bruce's remaining horses were killed by the Macdougall axemen, who also wounded many of his men, including James Douglas and Gilbert de la Haye. Under considerable pressure Bruce did his best to disengage;

They thereupon withdrew. In this

There was no mark of cowardice.

They kept together; and the king

Was ever busy rescuing

The rearmost of his company.

With skill and valour there wrought he,

And safely all his men withdrew.

He daunted those that would pursue

So none durst leave their cloe array,

For he was never far away.

Bruce was so heavily involved in action with the rearguard that he found himself at one point alone and under attack between a hill and the lochside, a pass so narrow that he could not turn his horse. For the king to be placed in such a position, seemingly unsupported, provides some further evidence of the weakness of the royal forces. The enemy was fought off and the army retreated to safety; but not long after it ceased to exist as an organised military force.

[edit] Flight

After Dalry Bruce, now styled dismissively as 'King Hob' in English propaganda, was little better than a fugitive, closely pursued by his many enemies, both domestic and foreign. For a time his party took refuge in the mountains of Atholl. From here the king sent Queen Elizabeth, his daughter, Marjory, his sister, Mary, and the Countess of Buchan to the relative safety of Kildrummy Castle, near the River Don in Aberdeenshire. With James Douglas and a few others he then escaped southwards into the territory of his friend Maol Choluim II, Earl of Lennox. From here he was helped to cross over to the Kintyre Peninsula by way of Bute, where he was aided by Angus Og, chief of the Macdonalds and a bitter enemy of the Macdougalls. Bruce was given temporary refuge in Dunaverty Castle, a location far too exposed and dangerous to remain in for long. He fled from here into a very uncertain future, not fully reappearing on the stage of history until the early spring of 1307. The recovery of his cause from this point counts as one of the most remarkable episodes in the history of warfare. Two years after Dalry the Macdougalls were destroyed at the Battle of Pass of Brander.

[edit] References


  • Barbour, John, The Bruce, trans, A. A. H. Duncan, 1964.
  • Bower, Walter, Scoticronicon, ed. D. E. R. Watt, 1987-96.
  • Fordun, John of, Chronicles of the Scottish Nation, ed. W. F. Skene, 1872.


  • Barrow, G., Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland, 1976.
  • Barron, E. M., The Scottish Wars of Independence, 1934.