Battle of Conquereuil

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The Battle of Conquereuil was fought in 992 AD between the Bretons under Duke Conan I of Rennes and the Angevins under Duke Fulk the Black. The Bretons defended, and Conan carefully prepared the battlefield, digging pits and ditches which were flooded by the water of nearby swamps and then hidden by covering them lightly with sod, and behind this prepared earthworks which had their flanks secured by the swamps.

The Angevins attacked, and Breton troops lured the Angevin knights into the flooded pits by feigning flight. The Bretons then counterattacked and drove the Angevins back in disarray. During a lull in the battle, during which the Bretons apparently prematurely considered the battle won, Fulk reorganized his army, attacked the Bretons again, and routed them, killing Conan in the process.