Battle of Arfderydd

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The Battle of Arfderydd (also know as Arderydd) was fought, according to the Annales Cambriae, in 573. The opposing armies are variously given in a number of Old Welsh sources, perhaps suggesting a number of allied armies were involved. The main adversaries appear to have been Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio and either the princely brothers, Peredur and Gwrgi, or King Riderch Hael of Strathclyde. Gwenddoleu was defeated, and his forces slaughtered. His bard, Lailoken, went mad and ran into the forest. He is probably the original of the Arthurian character, Merlin.

In a late 15th century manuscript, a story called 'Lailoken and Kentigern' places the battle on the plain between Liddel and Carwannok. This is believed to be at Arthuret, near Longtown, in Cumberland (now Cumbria).

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