Battle Elephants

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Battle Elephants is a Russian art troupe founded in 1984 in St. Petersburg. Formed by Igor Polyakov and Alexander Rappoport, the group shortly came to be an underground society of artists, writers and intellectuals on the outs with Soviet officialdom.


[edit] Members

  • Alexander Rappoport
  • Igor Polyakov
  • Alina Rappoport
  • Alexander Yatzkevich
  • Alexander Bazarin
  • Damian Kudriavtsev
  • Eugeny Zhilinski
  • Natalia Dubrovsky

[edit] Selected exhibitions

  • 1991 GALLERY GIMEL: 13 artists, Jerusalem.
  • 1990 Z.O.A. HOUSE: National Exhibition of Olim Artists, Jerusalem, New York, Washington Philadelphia.
  • 1990 ZION GALLERY: exhibiton HILTON HOTEL, Jerusalem.
  • 1990 SADNAH HALL: 'Battle Elephants Croup' exhibition, Jerusalem.
  • 1990 ARIEL GALLERY: exhibition, Jerusalem.
  • 1990 CULTURAL CENTER OF SUSANE DELAL: exhibition, Tel-Aviv
  • 1990 SOVIET JEWRY CULTURAL CENTER: exhibition of opening days. Jerusalem
  • 1990 JERUSALEM ARTISTS: New Olim Arts Exhibition, Jerusalem.
  • 1990 EXPOCENTER: New Art Biennale Leningrad.
  • 1990 ARIADNA GALLERY: Battle Elephants Group, (B.E.G.) exhibition, Leningrad.
  • 1989 PERA & BALLET THEATRE: Free Artists Association (FAA) and B.E.G. Joint Exhibition Leningrad.
  • 1989 JOURNALIST HOUSE: FAA exhibitions Leningrad.
  • 1989 TELEVISION BUILDING: B.E.G. and Leningrad Television Painters.
  • 1988 EXPOCENTER: 'Non-formal Art for Perestroika* exhibition, Leningrad.
  • 1988 THE ALEXANDER BLOCK LIBRARY: 'Cat 88' exhibition, Leningrad.
  • 1988 NEW SOVIET ART: exhibitions in London, Amsterdam, Los Angeles.
  • 1987 NCH-VCH GALLERY: exhibitions.
  • 1987 THE KIROV CULTURE HOUSE,. Leningrad.
  • 1986 CUTTY SARK (BATTLE ELEPHANTS GROUP) is established; private house exhibition on Igor Polyakov's house, Leningrad.

[edit] One-man exhibitions

  • 1989 PAN ART exhibition according to Polyakov, Leningrad.
  • 1989 THE ALEXANDER BLOCK LIBRARY: show, (FAA), Leningrad;

[edit] Film and actions

  • 1990 "ART IS ANARCHY", Tel Aviv. 1987 "WORD"; Leningrad.
  • 1987 Film 35mm "AE" (Adam and Eve); not screened.

[edit] Lectures

  • 1989 ZNANIE CENTRAL HALL, Painters of Leningrad, free-group; Lecturer: Trophimenkov.

[edit] TV publications

  • 1990 "EREV HADACH': Report on the show at Z.O.A. House, Te1 Aviv.
  • 1990 "MATSAV HARUAH": Polyakov and Rappoport interviewed for Israeli Television on the B.E.G.
  • 1990 "MONITOR": programme on the First Biennial in Leningrad.
  • 1990 "MONITOR": Report on the B.E.G. show at ARIADNA GALLERY, Leningrad.
  • 1988 MOVIE: on Non-Formal Art for the Perestroika, Leningrad; "Russian Video", the film was screened in the USA
  • 1988 "TELECOUREER": Report on the "CAT 88" show, Leningrad Television.
  • 1988 "600 SECONDS': Report on the "CAT 88" show, Leningrad Television.

[edit] Works in private collections

[edit] External links