Battle E device

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Battle E devices
Battle E devices

The Battle E device is a decoration of the United States Navy which is issued to those service members who have received the Navy E Ribbon For winning a Battle Efficiency Award. The purpose of the Battle E device is to denote the number of Navy E awards which a service member has received. The first award of the Navy E Ribbon is automatically granted one Battle E device. For the second and third award, additional Battle E devices are displayed on the award ribbon.

When a service member receives a fourth award of the Navy E Ribbon, a wreathed Battle E device is awarded which effectively “closes out” the award ribbon. This is since, once a fourth award of the Navy E Ribbon has been bestowed, there are no further devices authorized to display additional awards of the Navy E Ribbon. It is therefore common for some service members to have received more than four Navy E Ribbons (there are records of some personnel receiving as many as two dozen) yet only display the maximum of four on the award ribbon.

See also: Awards and decorations of the United States military