Battle Cry Campaign

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Teen Mania Ministries
Battle Cry Campaign
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For other uses of Battle Cry, see Battle Cry (disambiguation).

The Battle Cry Campaign is an organizing initiative [1] of a parachurch organization known as Teen Mania Ministries. This initiative, started in 2005 and headed by Teen Mania founder Ron Luce, has an evangelical Christian orientation; it primarily seeks to influence American and Canadian social and political culture. Major backers include prominent evangelical leaders Joyce Meyer, Jerry Falwell, Chuck Colson, Pat Robertson, and Jack Hayford.


[edit] Purpose and goals

The basic purpose of the Battle Cry Campaign, as described in its promotional materials and events, is to insure that Christianity survives in America by redefining society:[2]

  • "Christianity in America won't survive another decade... unless we do something now."[3][4]
  • "Our nation is at a crossroads. The path America is currently headed towards is a devestating [sic] future where Christianity may not survive."[5]
  • "You are invited... to join in an effort to redirect the way America is headed.[5]

The urgency of this "Wake Up Call" is based on the assertion that current trends among teenagers will result in an inevitable decline in the number of "Bible-based believers:"

  • "The evidence shows that if current evangelism trends prevail, only 4 percent of them will stand firm for Jesus by the time they become the decision makers of our nation."[6]

The fundamental goal of the campaign is the recruitment of 100,000 churches to implement a multifaceted campaign to promote youth commitment and involvement in church programs.

  • "The goal is 100,000 churches fully engaged in reaching this generation by doubling and discipling their youth group each year for the next 5 years."[7]

Other notable aspects of the Battle Cry Campaign involve other church and political leaders as "BattleCry Partners," the existing arena events and other programs offered by Teen Mania Ministries, the website, and a "legislative strategy engaging lawmakers to protect our teens." [8]

[edit] Major tenets

The Battle Cry Campaign maintains that "for the first time ever," "sexualized culture," "point and click pornography," and young people being "saturated with media influence" spell doom for Christianity in America.[5] It also has cited gay marriage and other "culture war" issues as matters of current and future concern:

  • "Our current society with 35% baby boomers as bible-based believers: increasingly perverted TV, film, music and video games, proliferation of Internet pornography, rise of activist government officials promoting gay marriage, attempts to remove the Ten Commandments from public buildings and attempts to remove God from the Pledge of Allegiance."[9]
  • "What does a nation with 4% evangelical Christians look like? Netherlands legalized euthanasia, Nudity in newspapers in England, Scotland's consenting age is 14 years old, Pastor arrested for preaching biblical perspective on homosexuality."[10]

The campaign focuses on corporations and media outlets for targeting young people with advertising and programming depicting content often labeled objectionable by evangelical leaders:

  • "A stealthy enemy has infiltrated our country and is preying upon the hearts and minds of 33 million American teens. Corporations, media conglomerates and purveyors of popular culture have spent billions to seduce and enslave our youth."[11]
  • "This generation views 16 to 17 hours of television each week and sees on average 14,000 sexual scenes and references each year. That's more than 38 references every day."[12]
  • "This generation spends three hours a day online and is the first to grow up with point-and-click pornography. Almost 90 percent of teens have viewed pornography online at one of the 300,000 adult websites, most while doing homework."[12]
  • "More than 25 percent of teen-targeted radio segments contain sexual content; 42 percent of the top selling CDs contain sexual content"[12]

Other encouraged tenets include submission to certain kinds of authority:

  • "We will respect the authorities placed in our lives, even though some may not live as honorably as they should."[13]
  • "We refuse to be led by those who are morally bankrupt."[14][2]

Extending from Biblical analogies and characters used as role models [1] [2] [3][15] [4][16][17][18][19][20], the campaign uses narratives, metaphor and scripted staged presentations including images of weapons, pervasive use of a red pennant, and terms from a war lexicon such as "God's Army", "enemy" and "battle." It has used current and former members of the U.S. armed forces prominently in the Battle Cry stadium events, encouraging young people to become "the warriors in this battle." [21] In "Battle Cry for a Generation," a book released at the start of the campaign, Ron Luce wrote, "This is war. And Jesus invites us to get into the action, telling us that the violent — the 'forceful' ones — will lay hold of the kingdom." [22]

[edit] Programs, activities and methods

"Battle Cry" participants on the steps of San Francisco City Hall, March 24, 2006.
"Battle Cry" participants on the steps of San Francisco City Hall, March 24, 2006.
Flyer announcing "Operation Truth" at the California State Capitol, August 6, 2006.
Flyer announcing "Operation Truth" at the California State Capitol, August 6, 2006.
  • Battle Cry Leadership Summits. Advertised as the "Wake Up Call,"[4] these meetings, featuring Ron Luce and a guest speaker, were scheduled for 44 cities in the United States and Canada through the fall of 2006. Scheduled guest speakers in that tour included Blaine Bartel (15 cities), Ted Haggard (10 cities)[26], Tommy Barnett (7 cities), Jack Hayford, Jerry Falwell and Wellington Boone.[27] Materials distributed at these meetings presented the Battle Cry Campaign plan, recruited churches and individuals to the campaign, and promoted other Teen Mania Ministries programs.
  • Lobbying and gatherings intended to influence legislation. The initial legislative strategy of the Battle Cry Campaign is "to inform lawmakers of the plight of this generation and lobby them to pass legislation that protects our teens from the dangers they face while online and from advertising and other electronic media." [28]
    • "Operation Truth," a rally co-sponsored by Battle Cry and the Christian Action Alliance, was announced for August 6, 2006, at the California State Capitol.[29] One of the announced objectives of this event was "to publicly let legislators know that Christians will not stand idly by while being bombarded with legislation that attacks the core values of believers."[30] Examples of the legislation that motivated the organizers to protest, according to the flyer announcing the rally, included Senate Bill 1437 and Assembly Bill 606 of the 2005-2006 legislative session. These bills were intended to prohibit discrimination in California public schools on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation, and to prohibit school activities and instructional content that reflects adversely on persons on the basis of their sexual orientation. Joel Johnson, a frequent co-host of Teen Mania's "Acquire the Fire" arena events, had been announced as an "Operation Truth" speaker.

[edit] Controversy and criticism

[edit] The "4 percent panic attack"

Some critics maintain that the statistics used by Teen Mania to support its cause are suspect and exaggerated. Rick Lawrence, who for the past 18 years has edited Group Magazine, a publication for youth pastors, coined the label "4 percent panic attack" as the title of an editorial in his magazine in which he outright calls this statistic a "lie:"

This masquerading stat/lie goes something like this: "The percentage of young people who are Bible-believing Christians is steadily decreasing, and right now has dropped to a rock-bottom 4 percent." The 4 Percent Warning has entered unopposed into the church's vocabulary of accepted fact. But every time I hear it I cringe because it's so ridiculously over the top.[41]

Lawrence goes on to point out that the "4 percent" statistic originated in a 2003 report by Christian statistician George Barna, which is based on a very narrow definition of what defines an "evangelical" or "Bible-believing Christian." A Barna press release issued in December 2003 announced a study that "showed only 4% of adults have a biblical worldview as the basis of their decision-making."[42] Lawrence takes issue with Barna's attempt to measure the number of teens who apply "biblical principles" to "every decision" they make:

I teach an adult Sunday school class, and my guess is that half of the people in my class are still struggling to understand the Bible well enough to apply its wisdom to "every decision" they make. The point is that some of these "Bible-believing" standards are ridiculous when you consider how they're applied to kids.[41]

Christian Smith, a professor of sociology at the University of Notre Dame and a specialist in the study of American evangelicals, says he is skeptical of the "4 percent" statistic and that that figure was inconsistent with research he had conducted and reviewed.[26]

[edit] San Francisco demonstrations and city resolution

Two weeks before the first Battle Cry stadium event in San Francisco, Teen Mania announced a pre-event rally to be held on the steps of City Hall on March 24, 2006. In the cover letter, signed by Ron Luce and sent to registered participants in the stadium event, the significance of City Hall as the location where gay marriages had been held two years before was explicitly pointed out:

Please prayerfully consider coming early and gathering for this pre-event Battlecry Rally at San Francisco’s City Hall and have your teens participate as we pray for the northwest region, our nation, and this generation (These are the very city hall steps where several months ago gay marriages were celebrated for the entire world to see).[43]

City Hall is significant to many San Francisco residents for a different reason: it was where the city’s first openly gay supervisor, Harvey Milk, and Mayor George Moscone, were assassinated in 1978[44]. Ron Luce has said that, at the time of the rally, he was unaware of the historic and social relevance of the City Hall site.[45]

Local activists organized a counter-demonstration of about 50 people to greet the Battle Cry participants. State Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, addressed the counter-demonstrators, saying that while such "fundamentalists" may be small in number, "they're loud, they're obnoxious, they're disgusting, and they should get out of San Francisco."[46] Teen Mania later prominently quoted Leno as part of a postcard sent to San Francisco churches to promote the 2007 Battle Cry stadium event.[47]

Earlier that week, the city's Board of Supervisors had passed a resolution "condemning upcoming rally to be held by anti-abortion groups in front of City Hall." The resolution called the rally an "act of provocation when a right-wing Christian fundamentalist group brings their anti-gay and anti-choice agenda of intolerance to the steps of San Francisco's City Hall" and that the presence of Battle Cry participants at City Hall "should be taken by no one as an official or semi-official sanctioning of their rally nor of their message by the elected officials of San Francisco."[48]

This resolution was then cited by various commentators, including Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly[49] and the city's leading newspaper[50], as evidence that the city itself was being intolerant of Christians or was attempting to silence the Battle Cry participants. Elizabeth Creely, a San Francisco activist with the Bay Area Coalition for Our Reproductive Rights, explained the purpose of the resolution this way: one in city government made any attempt to silence anyone. The resolution was simply the progressive community's proverbial two cents thrown into a debate Battle Cry started when the group assembled on City Hall's steps.[51]

They were also criticized for their noise level last year so they were not allowed to turn on their sound systems until 10AM on Saturday, but overcame it by tuning to KFAX AM 1100 to listen to their worship and sing out loud. [5]

[edit] Other criticism

The Hamilton, Ontario "Acquire the Fire" event in October 2006 prompted some commentary on Teen Mania's methods and message in the region's media. Toronto Star writer Jen Gerson began her account of the event this way:

They enter oblivious, hands outstretched, fat cheeks and watery eyes staring skyward to the Lord.

They are to leave warriors. Convinced by arguments crafted from statistics and fear, these children of God are told they are to be the salvation of a generation in decline, one beset by the perils of pop culture, advertising and corporate greed.

They absorb those lessons, squealing in delight whenever a speaker mentions the righteousness of Jesus.

Then they head to McDonald's.[52]

In an interview with a CBC Television reporter, Bob Shantz, former University of Toronto chaplain, commented on the militarism inherent in Teen Mania's programs:

To feed them military language makes it into a campaign, makes life into an aggressive campaign where evil must be overcome by good... I don't think there's enough trust placed in teenagers to be discerning and let them find their own authority without having an authority thrust upon them.[53]

[edit] External links

[edit] Notes and References

  1. ^ "Faith-Filled Teens Take Radical Counter-Culture Message to Tens of Thousands of Peers Across United States", DeMoss News Pond, August 25, 2006.
  2. ^ a b  Acquire the Fire Anaheim [Television Program]. GOD TV. (The recitation of the "Teenage Bill of Rights" during this program included the lines "It is necessary for us as teens to redefine our society" and "We refuse to be led by those who are morally bankrupt.")
  3. ^ Luce, Ron (2006). Battle Cry Leadership Summit: "Wake Up Call" Invitation Letter. Teen Mania Ministries. 
  4. ^ a b Teen Mania Ministries advertisement for "Wake Up Call: BattleCry Leadership Summit" in Group Magazine, September/October 2006 issue, inserted between pages 50 and 51.
  5. ^ a b c (2006) Battle Cry Leadership Summit: "Wake Up Call" Event Journal. Teen Mania Ministries, 16. 
  6. ^ (2006) The BattlePlan: BattleCry Campaign Classified Document. Teen Mania Ministries, 5. 
  7. ^ (2006) Battle Cry Leadership Summit: "Wake Up Call" Event Journal. Teen Mania Ministries, 19. 
  8. ^ (2006) Battle Cry Leadership Summit: "Wake Up Call" Event Journal. Teen Mania Ministries, 20. 
  9. ^ (2006) Battle Cry Leadership Summit: "Wake Up Call" Event Journal. Teen Mania Ministries, 6. 
  10. ^ (2006) Battle Cry Leadership Summit: "Wake Up Call" Event Journal. Teen Mania Ministries, 7. 
  11. ^ Teen Mania Ministries. Battle Cry: The Crisis. Retrieved on September 4, 2006.
  12. ^ a b c Teen Mania Ministries. Battle Cry: Magnitude of the Crisis. Retrieved on September 4, 2006.
  13. ^ Teen Mania Ministries. Battle Cry: Teen Bill of Rights. Retrieved on September 4, 2006.
  14. ^ (2005) Acquire the Fire "Run to the Battle" 2005-2006 Event Manual. Teen Mania Ministries, front cover. 
  15. ^ Ron LuceKeep It Real Live (Acquire the Fire 2004-2005 Event) Disk 4 Chapter 5 [DVD]. Teen Mania Ministries.
  16. ^ Ron Luce"BattleCry" San Francisco [TV program]. JCTV. Event recorded 2006-03-25.
  17. ^ a b Ron LuceVision America's "War on Christians" Conference [TV program]. Washington, DC: Sky Angel Angel Two channel. Conference session recorded 2006-03-27.
  18. ^ Ron Luce"Battle Cry" Detroit [TV program (live)]. Detroit, Michigan: NRB Network.
  19. ^ a b Ron LuceValues and the Midterm Elections [TV program / DVD]. Washington, DC: C-SPAN - National Cable Satellite Corporation. Conference session recorded 2006-09-23.
  20. ^ Ron LuceAcquire the Fire Anaheim [TV program (live)]. GOD TV.
  21. ^ Teen Mania Ministries. Battle Cry: Teen. Retrieved on September 4, 2006.
  22. ^ Luce, Ron (2005). Battle Cry for a Generation: The Fight To Save America's Youth. Cook Communications Ministries, 57. ISBN 978-0781442671. 
  23. ^ Christian Event Tickets and Information. Acquire the Fire BattleCry Tickets Ron Luce - Baltimore, MD. Retrieved on March 28, 2007.
  24. ^ "Youth Rally That Drew Fiery Protests and City Condemnation Last Year is Back: BATTLECRY 2007", DeMoss News Pond. Retrieved on March 28, 2007.
  25. ^ Teen Mania Ministries. Battle Cry: Acquire the Fire Tour Dates. Retrieved on December 10, 2006.
  26. ^ a b Goodstein, Laurie. "Evangelicals Fear the Loss of Their Teenagers", The New York Times, 2006-10-06. Retrieved on December 10, 2006.
  27. ^ a b Teen Mania Ministries. Battle Cry: Summit Schedule. Retrieved on December 9, 2006.
  28. ^ Teen Mania Ministries. Battle Cry: Awareness and Education. Retrieved on September 3, 2006.
  29. ^ Teen Mania Ministries. Operation: Truth Set to Kick Off at the California State Capitol. Retrieved on September 3, 2006.
  30. ^ Christian Action Alliance. Operation Truth web page. Retrieved on September 3, 2006.
  31. ^ Teen Mania Ministries. Battle Cry: Battle Cry Partners. Retrieved on December 9, 2006.
  32. ^ Teen Mania Ministries. Battle Cry: The Battle Cry Alliance. Retrieved on December 9, 2006.
  33. ^ Keith Butler"Battle Cry" Detroit [TV program (live)]. Detroit, Michigan: NRB Network.
  34. ^ Chang, Pauline J.. "Over 700 Pastors, Ministers Answer 'Battle Cry' to Rescue Youth", The Christian Post, 2005-11-21. Retrieved on December 9, 2006.
  35. ^ Duin, Julia. "'Values voters' call for congressional action", The Washington Times, 2006-03-28. Retrieved on December 23, 2006.
  36. ^ National Network of Youth Ministries. NNYM Cooperating Ministries. Retrieved on December 10, 2006.
  37. ^ GOD TV. GOD TV January 2007 Program Guide, 8, 9, 28, 29. 
  38. ^ Luce, Ron. BattleCry Powerpoint Presentation (sun_am_ppt_4-12-06.ppt). Retrieved on December 18, 2006.
  39. ^ Teen Mania Ministries. Battle Cry: Battle Cry 33 Churches. Retrieved on December 8, 2006.
  40. ^ Tocquigny. Tocquigny named agency-of-record for Teen Mania. Retrieved on October 25, 2006.
  41. ^ a b Lawrence, Rick. "The 4 Percent Panic-Attack", Group Magazine, September/October 2006, pp. 13. Retrieved on December 10, 2006.
  42. ^ Barna Research Group (2003-12-01). A Biblical Worldview Has a Radical Effect on a Person's Life. Press release. Retrieved on 2006-12-10.
  43. ^ Ron Luce (2006-03-07). Registration Kit Manual 2006 (SBC Park). Teen Mania Ministries. 
  44. ^ Nolte, Carl. "CITY HALL SLAYINGS, 25 Years Later: Revisiting the horror of that day of death; for those who are old enough, the memory is searing", San Francisco Chronicle, 2003-11-26. Retrieved on December 10, 2006.
  45. ^ Greiner, Marley. "Teen Mania: Lift the Banner", The Free Press (Columbus, Ohio), Summer 2006. Retrieved on December 10, 2006.
  46. ^ Garofoli, Joe. "Evangelical teens rally in S.F.", San Francisco Chronicle, 2006-03-25. Retrieved on December 10, 2006.
  47. ^ Teen Mania Ministries (2006). "We're coming back! BattleCry San Francisco, March 23-24, 2007!" (Promotional postcard). 
  48. ^ City and County of San Francisco (2006-03-21). "San Francisco Board of Supervisors Resolution 180-06". Retrieved on 2006-12-10.
  49. ^ Bill O'ReillyThe O'Reilly Factor [TV-Series]. Fox News Channel.
  50. ^ "EDITORIAL: Intolerant City", San Francisco Chronicle, 2006-03-28. Retrieved on December 10, 2006.
  51. ^ Creely, Elizabeth. "Real tolerance", San Francisco Bay Guardian, 2006-04-04. Retrieved on December 10, 2006.
  52. ^ Gerson, Jen. "Pop culture versus God: Branded by the light", Toronto Star, 2006-10-31. Retrieved on December 10, 2006.
  53. ^ Bob Shantz. CBC News Saturday Report: Hamilton, Ontario: U.S. evangelical movement that asks teens to protest against popular culture is holding a rally here. [Television series]. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: CBC-TV.