Base 32

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Base 32 or duotrigesimal is a positional notation using a base of 32. The twenty-six letters A-Z and six digits 2-7 can be used to provide the 32 separate symbols needed.


[edit] Software

In computing terminology, Base32 (spelled without a space) is an alternative to Base64 as a notation for encoding arbitrary byte data using a restricted set of symbols which can be conveniently used by humans and processed by old computer systems which only recognize restricted character sets.

[edit] Advantages

Base32 has two main advantages over Base64:

  1. The resulting character set is all one case (usually represented as uppercase), which can often be beneficial when using a case-insensitive filesystem, or human memory.
  2. The result can be included in a URL without encoding any characters.

[edit] Base32 alphabet

It uses an alphabet of AZ, followed by 27 (thus "2" actually has a numerical value of 26). 0 and 1 are skipped due to their similarity with the letters O and I.

The Base 32 alphabet
Value Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol
0 A 9 J 18 S 27 3
1 B 10 K 19 T 28 4
2 C 11 L 20 U 29 5
3 D 12 M 21 V 30 6
4 E 13 N 22 W 31 7
5 F 14 O 23 X
6 G 15 P 24 Y
7 H 16 Q 25 Z
8 I 17 R 26 2 pad =

[edit] Alternate versions

An earlier form of base 32 notation was used by programmers working on the Electrologica X1 to represent machine addresses. The "digits" were represented as decimal numbers from 0 to 31. For example, 12-16 would represent the machine address 400.

Another alternative design for Base32 is created by Douglas Crockford, who proposes using additional characters for a checksum.[1]

Alternate Base32 alphabet
Value Encode Digit Decode Digit Value Encode Digit Decode Digit
0 0 O o 0 16 G g G
1 1 I i L l 1 17 H h H
2 2 2 18 J j J
3 3 3 19 K k K
4 4 4 20 M m M
5 5 5 21 N n N
6 6 6 22 P p P
7 7 7 23 Q q Q
8 8 8 24 R r R
9 9 9 25 S s S
10 A a A 26 T t T
11 B b B 27 V v V
12 C c C 28 W w W
13 D d D 29 X x X
14 E e E 30 Y y Y
15 F f F 31 Z z Z

[edit] Video games

Before NVRAM became universal, several video games for Nintendo platforms use base 32 numbers for passwords. These systems omit vowels to prevent the game from accidentally giving a profane password. Thus, the characters are generally some minor variation of the following set: 0-9, B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z, and some punctuation mark. Games known to use such a system include Mario Is Missing!, Mario's Time Machine, Tetris Blast, and The Lord of the Rings (Super NES).

[edit] References

[edit] See also

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