
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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This script adds new tabs to What Links Here pages. To use this script, put the following in your [[Special:Mypage/monobook.js]] (or <skin>.js) file
 importScript('User:Barticus88/WhatLinksHere.js');  // [[User:Barticus88/WhatLinksHere.js]]
This script is <big>under construction</big>. If it's buggy you can try the earlier version at [[User:Barticus88/dpl.js]]

==Randall Bart's WhatLinksHere select script==
 by Randall Bart [[User:Barticus88]]
 version 1.2 GPL GFDL February 2007 
 fork of [[User:Barticus88/dpl.js]]
 version 1.1 GPL GFDL February 2007
 version 1.0 GPL GFDL January 2007
 May contain meaty chunks of [[User:Agentsoo/dpl.js]].
 On What links here pages, this script adds thess tabs:
     Mode: DPL T P R W U         5000 5000R
 Each selection mode filters the list of pages
 Hover over each letter to get a description
 When selection mode is activated, a yellow banner appears at the top and
 bottom of the page, with the mode description and counts, eg
     Select Mode: Redirect (11 shown/687 hidden)

== Utility funcs ==
 //function getValueOf(varName) {defaultize(varName);
 //                              return eval(varName);};
 function getGetParamValue (param) {
     window.location.href.match('[\?&]' + param + '=([^&]*)');
     return RegExp.$1;

== Selection funcs ==
 function sel_mode_DPL (linkHTML) {
     return  !(linkHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf( '</a> (redirect page' )
                     == -1 && 
           ( linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Talk:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Category_talk:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Template_talk:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Image_talk:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Portal_talk:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Wikipedia:' ) != -1 ||
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:' ) != -1 ||
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/User:' ) != -1 ||
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/User_talk:' ) != -1 

 function sel_mode_Template (linkHTML) {
     return  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Template:' ) != -1 

 function sel_mode_Portal (linkHTML) {
     return  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Portal:' ) != -1 
         ||  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Template:' ) != -1 
         ||  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Category:' ) != -1 
         ||  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Image:' ) != -1 

 function sel_mode_User (linkHTML) {
     return  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/User:' ) != -1 
         ||  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/User_talk:' ) != -1 

 function sel_mode_Wiki (linkHTML) {
     return  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Wikipedia:' ) != -1 
         ||  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:' ) != -1

 function sel_mode_Redir (linkHTML) {
     return  linkHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf( '</a> (redirect page' ) != -1

 function sel_mode_All (linkHTML) {
     return  true

==Da Main func==
 function select_pages(select_this, mode_name){
 body = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
 if( !body ){ return; }
 banner = document.getElementById('dpl_banner') 
 if (banner && banner.innerHTML.indexOf(mode_name) != -1) { 
     open(document.URL, "_self"); //refresh the page
 lists = body.getElementsByTagName( "ul" );
 for( j=0; j<lists.length; j++ ){
     lists[j].style.listStyleType = 'decimal';
 links = body.getElementsByTagName( "li" );
 dpl_in = 0;
 dpl_ex = 0;
 for( i=0; i<links.length; i++ ){
     if( select_this(links[i].innerHTML) ) {
         links[i].style.display = '';       // clear prior style
     } else {
         links[i].style.display = 'none';   // hide
 window.wlhCt = window.wlhCt || 0;
 window.wlhCt ++;
 banner_text = "Select Mode: " + mode_name + " (" 
     + dpl_in.toFixed() + " shown/" + dpl_ex.toFixed() + " hidden)";

 if (banner) {
     banner.innerHTML = banner_text;
     banner = document.getElementById('dpl_footer');
     banner.innerHTML = banner_text;
     banner = document.createElement("div"); = "dpl_banner"; = "yellow"; = 'larger';
     banner.innerHTML = banner_text;
     body = document.getElementById('footer');
     if( !body ){ return; }
     banner = document.createElement("div"); = "dpl_footer"; = "yellow"; = 'larger';
     banner.innerHTML = banner_text;
 }/* end function select_pages

==Da tabbar fiddler==
 addOnloadHook(function (){
     if (wgPageName != 'Special:Whatlinkshere') { return; } 
       // only add toolbox link on 'whatlinkshere' pages
     target = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName( "ul" );
     if( target.length == 0 ){ return; } //no action bar to hook into
     wlhCmd = getGetParamValue ('wlhCmd');
     if( wlhCmd == 'r' ) select_pages(sel_mode_Redir,"Redirect (auto)");
     target = target[0];
     newTool = document.createElement("li");
     target.appendChild( newTool );
     function ptool(btn,func,desc){
         return '<a href="" onclick="select_pages(sel_mode_'
             + func + ',\'' + desc + '\');return false;" title="'
             + desc + '">' + btn + '</a>'
     newTool.innerHTML = 'Filter mode:' 
         + ptool ('All', 'All',        'Show all')
         + ptool ('DPL', 'DPL',        'Main Space and Template')
         + ptool ('T',   'Template',   'Template Only')
         + ptool ('PTCI','Portal',     'Portal, Template, Category, Image')
         + ptool ('R',   'Redir',      'Redirect')
         + ptool ('W',   'Wiki',       'Wikipedia')
         + ptool ('U',   'User',       'User and User Talk')

     url500 = RegExp.$1;
     addPortletLink('p-cactions',url500 + '&limit=5000'
             ,'5000',null,'Show up to 5000 links');
     addPortletLink('p-cactions',url500 + '&limit=5000&wlhCmd=r'
             ,'All Redirects',null,'Show ALL Redirects (up to 5000 links)');