Barro Alto

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Barro Alto is a small town and municipality in northern Goiás state, Brazil, famous for its nickel mine and production of rubber. The population was 5,625 in 2005 and the total area of the municipality was 1,231.8 km².

  • Elevation: 605 meters
  • Became a municipality: 1958
  • Postal code: 76390-000

Location and Communicaitons

Barro Alto is in the Ceres Microregion and is in an underpopulated region south of the Serra de Mesa artificial lake. It is 54 kilometers southeast of the important BR-153 highway, which links Anápolis to Belém.

The distance to Goiânia is 228 km. Highway connections are made by GO-080 / Nerópolis / São Francisco de Goiás / BR-153 / Jaraguá / GO-080 / Goianésia and 41 km northeast. [1]

Neighboring municipalities are:

Demographic and Political Information

  • Population density: 5.44 inhab/km²
  • Population growth rate 1991/2000: -5,00.%
  • Population in 1980: 12,021
  • Population in 1991: 9,919
  • Urban population in 2003: 4,633
  • Rural population in 2000: 1,310 (In 1980 the rural population was much greater than the urban: 9,341 rural and 2,680 urban.)
  • Eligible voters: 4464 (Sept/2004)
  • City government in 2005: mayor (Antônio Luciano Batista de Lucena), vice-mayor (Iodete Almeida Passos Souza), and 09 councilpersons
  • Households: 1,731 (2000)
  • Household income: In 2000 1,373 out of 1,731 households reported less than two minimum salaries (The minimum salary in April 2000 was R$151.00. The minimum salary of April 2006 was R$350.00, which was $167.40 US dollars on April 30, 2006)


Barro Alto has an important open pit nickel mine operated by Anglo-american. There are 110 million tons with 1.5% nickel. Other economic activities are cattle raising, agriculture, services, and small transformation industries. Public administration is a big employer with 389 workers.

  • Barro Alto is the largest producer of rubber (coagulated latex) in the state of Goiás. It producted 1350 tons in 2003.
  • Financial Institutions in 2004: Banco Itaú S.A.

Gross Domestic Product

  • 35.0 million Reais in 2002--0.11% of the state GDP of 31.298 billion

In 2003 the GDP had increased to 45.423 million Reais.

Gross Domestic Product per capita in 2002

  • 5,876 Reais--slightly less than the state average of 5,921 Reais

There were 65,200 head of cattle (8,200 dairy cows) in 2003.

Barro Alto has a large agricultural production. The main agricultural products in 2003 were rubber (600 hectares), rice (600 hectares), sugarcane (2,800 hectares), corn (2,000 hectares), and soybeans (1,600 hectares).

Motor vehicles There were 367 automobiles and pickup trucks, 51 trucks, and 127 motorcycles in 2004.


  • Infant mortality in 2000: 25.06
  • Infant mortality in 1990: 36.01
  • Health establishments: 03 (2002)
  • Hosptitals: 01 with 35 beds
  • Public doctors and nurses: 07 and 01


  • Literacy rate in 2000: 79.2
  • Literacy rate in 1991: 72.03
  • Pre-primary school enrollment and schools: 284, 09 (2004)
  • Primary school enrollment and schools: 1,398, 08
  • Middle school enrollment and schools: 334, 01
  • Higher education: none reporting

Households and Income

  • Number of households: 1,731
  • Households with no income: 84
  • Households with less than minimum salary: 548
  • Households with 01 to 02 minimum salaries: 153
  • Households with 02 to 03 minimum salaries: 95
  • Households with 03 to 05 minimum salaries: 73
  • Households with 05 to 10 minimum salaries: 15
  • Households with more than 10 minimum salaries: 22
  • The minimum salary in April 2000 was R$151.00. The minimum salary of April 2006 was R$350.00, which was $167.40 US dollars on April 30, 2006

The United Nations Human Development Index (2000) ranked Barro Alto 200 out of 242 municipalities in the state of Goiás with a combined life expectancy of 68.5 years, 0.76% adult literacy, and a per capita monthly income of 143.9 reais, which at March 2006 exchange rates was worth 55.2 euros. The HDI for Barro Alto was 0.78.

Data are from 2000

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