Barrington Pheloung

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Barrington Pheloung is an Australian composer, now living in England. Best known for the theme and incidental music to the Inspector Morse television series, he has also composed for dance companies, such as the London Contemporary Dance Theatre, and for events, including the opening night of the Millennium Dome. His film work includes Hillary and Jackie for which he was nominated for an Academy Award and Touching Wild Horses. He also made the music to Revolution Software's adventure games In Cold Blood and the first two Broken Swords.

Pheloung's other work includes music for the Sydney Opera House's Twentieth Birthday Celebrations and he contributed to the music for the film, Truly, Madly, Deeply in which he also appeared. He composed the incidental music for the first series of Boon. He composed the full music score for the video games Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2.

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