Baron convention

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Bridge Bidding Convention

Baron's convention has 3 variations being used in the game. These are described below. Though, Baron's conventions take some of problems in bidding out, it still can be confused with other conventions and so, much be declared in the apriori as can be seen on identifying the bids involving the convention.

[edit] Baron Notrump Overcall

The use of a 1NT overcall is used to an opponents opening suit and shows a weak hand to the partner with support for the unbid suits i.e. it excludes the support in the suit opponent bid for.

[edit] Baron Three Clubs

This is an alternative to using Stayman by responder over a 2NT opening bid. Responder will have 5+ points and an unbalanced hand. Responder bids 3 Clubs, which asks opener to bid his four card suits in ascending order. If clubs are the only 4 card suit then opener bids 3NT. If there are two 4 card suits, one being clubs, opener bids the higher first then 3NT for the clubs if no fit is found. Openers 2NT is a limited bid and responder has not shown the strength of his hand, therefor responder will control how high the bidding goes, game or prospecting for a slam, and the suit to be played. The main advantage of this convention is that it becomes easier to reach minor-suit slams.

[edit] Baron Two Notrump Response

When the opening is of one suit bid, a 2NT response is given showing 16-18 points, 3NT shows 13-15 points. This is also known as the Two NoTrump Forcing Response.