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Barikot is a city in the North West Frontier province of Pakistan, located in the Swat valley region (ancient Udyana). Barikot is the present day name of the ancient "Bazira", which was besieged by Alexander the Great.

Ancient fortifications by the name of Barikot-Ghwandai, located on the outskirts of the town, are being excavated by an Italian Archaeological mission since 1984.

The oldest layer built of bricks and stone probably corresponds to the fortress besieged by Alexander.However, no traces of the Macedonian occupation have been found yet.

The sequent layers consist of fortifications built by the Indo-Greek kings. A stone wall in Hellenistic style was built around the city, with equidistant quadrangular bastions, all according to Attic measurements. Ruins of palatial quarters as well as areas related to the Buddhist cult have been unearthed

During the Kushan period, Barikot experienced rapid development swith the creation of building dedicated to workmanship.

Barikot has become a very important archaeological site, rivaling Taxila, for the study of history in northern Pakistan. A large quantity of the artifacts are preserved in the National Museum of Oriental Art of Rome, and the City Museum of Ancient Art in Turin's Palazzo Madama.

The nearby sanctuary of Butkara I has been very valuable in the study of the development of Greco-Buddhist art.

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