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Dungeons & Dragons Deity
Title(s) The Peacekeeper
Homeplane Nine Hells of Baator
Power Level Lesser
Alignment Lawful Evil
Portfolio Co-operation, territory

In many campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Bargrivyek is the goblin deity of cooperation and territory. He is known as the Peacekeeper because he tolerates no war between goblin tribes. However, he is not a gentle god and he desires to see goblins destroy their enemies, particularly orcs.

He is on good terms with the goblin's racial god, Khurgorbaeyag, because both desire the rise of goblins to domination of other races. He fears the head of the goblin pantheon, Maglubiyet, as well as the god of the hobgoblins, Nomog-Geaya.


[edit] Description

Bargrivyek appears as a large (8 feet tall) goblin with a high domed forehead. He wears a calm expression a carries and white-tipped flail.

[edit] Clergy and temples

Shamans of Bargrivyek strive to reduce conflicts amongst the goblins and turn aggression outwards toward external foes. They also advocate the expansion of goblin territory. Their holy weapon is the flail.

Bargrivyek sends omens to his clergy in the form of falling stars, speaking in strange tongues, and speech following violent stuttering.

[edit] Realm

Bargrivyek's deceptively titled realm of The Peacable Lands can be found on the Avernus, the first layer of Baator. Here he trains his goblin armies and leads raids against the realm of Kurtulmak, god of the kobolds.

[edit] References

  • McComb, Colin. On Hallowed Ground ([TSR, 1996).