Talk:BAP Pacocha (SS-48)
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I have descriptions of how the eight casualties died, which use generic English ranks -- "enlisted man," "chief," &c., without giving names. I also have a list of names:
- Capitán de Fragata Daniel Nieva Rodríguez
- Teniente Segundo Luis Roca Sara
- Técnico 2do. Orlando Valdez Pacheco
- Técnico 3ro. Carlos Orosco León
- Técnico 3ro. Rigoberto Gonzales Pisfil
- Técnico 3ro. Walter García Morales
- Oficial de Mar 1ro. Juan Oré Rojas
- Oficial de Mar 2do. Carlos Grande Rengifo
I can map Nieva's, Sara's, and Grande's names to their death scenes. The remaining five, however -- the three who died of exposure and the two who drowned or were asphyxiated -- are kicking my butt, in part because none of my sources translate the técnico ranks properly. Can anyone help? --the Epopt 22:21, 11 Feb 2004 (UTC)