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The Baoulé are one of more than sixty-five different ethnic groups living in the Cote d'Ivoire. They live essentially in the middle of the Cote d'Ivoire between the Comoé River and the Bandama River. The number about 3,000,000 strong representing approximately 23% of the country's population.


[edit] History

In the 1600s the Baoulé left present day Ghana and traveled west into present day Côte d'Ivoire under the lead of the Queen Pokou. According to oral tradition, the Baoulé were forced to leave Ghana when the Ashanti rose to power. While they were fleeing for their lives they came to a large river that they were unable to cross. With their enemies chasing them they began to throw their most prized possessions into the river. It came to the Queen's attention that their most valuable possession was her son. The Queen realized that she had to sacrifice her son to the river and threw him in. Upon doing so hippopotamuses rose from the river and allowed them to cross, saving their lives. After crossing the Queen was so upset about losing her son that all she could say was "baouli," meaning: the child is dead. From that point on they were known as the Baoulé.[citation needed]

[edit] Leisure

One of the favourite pastimes of the energetic Ivorian populace is a game referred to as “Atté,” which is similar to the North American version of marbles. However, it must be noted that Ivorians utilize nuts, not marbles. An odd number of nuts are placed in a circular pattern in the centre of two opposing teams. The two teams, roughly 30 metres apart, take turns throwing nuts at the circle of nuts. Once a nut has been hit, it is eliminated, and the team that hit the respective nut gains a point. The game ends when all the nuts have been eliminated, and the team with the most nuts at the end of the game wins.

Another pastime of the Ivorian populace, specifically Ivorian women, is gossiping at the village pump.

[edit] Ivorian children

Ivorian children begin aiding their parents with the everyday chores of life at very young ages. As soon as they are old enough, they either carry water from the village pumps or heavy loads of food and firewood to the village market. The boys, when old enough, may even help their father with clearing vegetation.

Like several other groups with Akan origin Baoulé children are often named according to the day of the week or the circumstances under which they were born. For example, a male born on a Monday would be named Kouassi. However, there are slight variations in the spelling and pronunciation specific to the Baoulé.

  • Monday: Kouassi, Akissi
  • Tuesday: Kouadio, Adjoua
  • Wednesday : Konan, Amenan
  • Thursday : Kouakou, Ahou
  • Friday : Yao, Aya
  • Saturday : Koffi, Affoué
  • Sunday : Kouamé, Amoin

[edit] Education of Ivorian children

Education in the Cote d'Ivoire is extremely competitive. Those families that can afford giving their children a private education assure themselves that their children will receive a formal education. However, if you are in the public schooling system competition is fierce. In order to progress certain grade levels you must pass an exam where only a certain number of students are allowed to progress.

Due to lack of financial means, most Ivoirian children use slate to practice their writing and other homework. Small notebooks are also widely available for doing homework and are turned in to be graded. Many homes have a wall with a large chalkboard where children are tutored or practice subjects that they have learned in class. In school, Baoule children speak complete French, but at home they speak their native language of Baoule. French is taught to them in grade one and they speak it just as fluently as Baoule by grade six.

One interesting note is that unlike in the American schooling system Ivoirians never learn how to print their letters. Cursive is all that is used.

[edit] Baoulé economy

With regard to the Ivorian economy, coffee and cocoa are referred to as the chief cash crop. Up until the present day conflict, the Côte d'Ivoire was the worlds largest exporter of cocoa. With respect to the local Ivorian economy, resources such as firewood and yams are transported to local markets and sold to other Ivorians or even foreigners. Within the local marketplace, one can find a wide array of goods, including tailored clothing, boiled eggs, popcorn and lingerie.

Other economic activities:

  • Farming

[edit] Baoulé diet

The staple food of the Ivorian diet is the yam. The yam is boiled, and, when cooled, pummeled into a mush to be eaten. Yams, in addition to corn, are stored until they are needed. Foods other than yams are obtained from the local market. The most important food of the market is fish, which is wrapped in palm leaves, an economically efficient alternative to wrapping paper. Ivorians typically receive their meat from goats, sheep and chickens, which happen to be shared by the entire community. They receive their milk from their goats and their eggs from their chickens.

[edit] Baoulé tools

One of the basic tools employed by the Baoulé populace is the machete. The machete’s uses can include clearing vegetation or the construction of a paddle or canoe from logs. Another one of the tools employed by the Baoulé populace, is the snail shell, which is used for grounding and pounding tobacco, for the manufacture of snuffs.

[edit] Political structure

The Baoulé political structure is simple; several senior village leaders get together and discuss various issues affecting their village. Everyone has a say, and everyone is friendly and social.

[edit] Principal Cities


[edit] See also

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