Banská Belá

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Banská Belá is located around 5 km northeast from Banská Štiavnica
Banská Belá is located around 5 km northeast from Banská Štiavnica

Banská Belá (German: Dilln; Hungarian: Bélabánya) is a village and municipality in Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia. It has a population of 1,234.

[edit] History

The village arose by separation from Banská Štiavnica, but it was part of Banská Štiavnica again from 1873 to 1954.

In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1228 (flumen Bela) in connection with its silver mines. In 1331[citation needed], King Bela IV invited German miners from Banská Štiavnica and the village got the German name Dilln (Dyln, Dilln, Dylen). The village suffered from Turkish raids during the Ottoman wars.

[edit] External links

edit Municipalities of Banská Štiavnica District Flag of Slovakia

Banská Štiavnica
Baďan | Banská Belá | Banský Studenec | Beluj | Dekýš | Ilija | Kozelník | Močiar | Počúvadlo | Podhorie | Prenčov | Svätý Anton | Štiavnické Bane | Vysoká

Coordinates: 48°28′30″N, 18°56′06″E

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