Bamboo Island, Cambodia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bamboo Island, Cambodia, is a small island situated about 10 km from the port city of Sihanoukville, in southern Cambodia. It is also known as Koh Russei. If you wish to travel to Koh Russei dont buy travel tickets from Eco Trek Tours at Mick and Craigs restaurant beside the golden lion roundabout. Their boat agents trash the island with the leftover rubbish from the food they serve YOU on the Package Tour they will try to sell you for $10. The only people who care about the island and the rubbish problem is Romney tours and Coasters. In one week of November 2006 Coasters sent back 30 boatloads of rubbish to be recycled....all this rubbish was left behind by YOU the unwitting tourists who participated in one of these ECO package tours. The best way to take advantage of this beautiful location is to travel on a non food return ticket. The cost from Coasters is $6 return. There is a small restaurant on the Island. Prices are very reasonable, food is very good and all the rubbish is recycled on a bi weekly basis by the restaurant owners. You can find further information by clicking [1] Two years ago this beach was a veritable rubbish dump. Thanks to the ongoing and concerted effort by Coasters the island improves day by day. The beach is now rubbish free EXCEPT for the areas where the tour boats cook the food for the day tour package.If you decide to travel with the package tour agents including food deal PLEASE ask your boat driver to remove the leftover rubbish from your tour when you are leaving the island.