Ballintubber Abbey

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Ballintubber Abbey
Ballintubber Abbey

Ballintubber Abbey is a royal abbey in Co. Mayo, Ireland, founded by King Cathal Crobdearg O'Connor in 1216. It is said to be the only church in Ireland founded by an Irish king that is still in regular use.

Despite being suppressed and damaged during the reformation, the roofless abbey continued to be used throughout penal times by Catholics. In 1966 the nave was restored and reroofed, in time for the 750th anniversary of the abbey's foundation, and in 1997 the Chapter House and Dorter area were restored and reroofed. It is planned to restore the entire east wing before the 800th year celebration in 2016.

The abbey has several modern outdoor attractions, including a very modern abstract Way of the Cross, an underground permanent Crib, and a Rosary Way. There is a small museum. Seán na Sagart, the infamous priest-hunter, is said to be buried in the grounds. A large tree marks the spot.

Pierce Brosnan was married there, and the abbey marks the beginning of Tochar Phádraig, the ancient pilgrimage route to Croagh Patrick, long defunct but now reopened as a cross-country pilgrimage/tourist trail.

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