Balboa High School (San Francisco)

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Balboa High School (San Francisco)


Motto First on the Pacific
Established 1928
School type Public
Campus Urban
Principal Patricia J. Gray
Location 1000 Cayuga Avenue
San Francisco, California, United States
Faculty 63
Enrollment 1,035
Sports teams Buccaneers
Colors Orange & Blue
Website Balboa High School Online

Balboa High School, colloquially known as Bal, is an American public high school located near the Excelsior District in the Mission Terrace neighborhood of San Francisco, California.[1]

Balboa serves grades nine through twelve as part of the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD).

As a comprehensive school in a working class district of San Francisco, Balboa has historically served a higher number of diverse and disadvantaged youth compared to other high schools in the SFUSD. Balboa's history is marked by periods of tumult, low academic performance, and controversy often reflective of the conditions in the neighborhoods it serves. Yet in the last decade, Balboa has experienced a steady renaissance marked by academic innovation, a progressively nurturing environment, improvements in college admissions, and surprising but well earned gains in community reputation.[2]


[edit] History

Balboa High School
Balboa High School

Balboa High School is named after 16th century Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa. Founded in 1928, campus construction was completed in 1931.

In the spring of 1952, students at Balboa invented a variation on a conga line dance which inspired bandleader and songwriter Ray Anthony to compose an accompanying hit song with the same name, "The Bunny Hop".[3]

In 1986, Balboa converted its metal shop into the first school-based health clinic in California: the Balboa Teen Health Center. The clinic provides basic medical and mental health services. This effort has been credited with improving access and generally improving the health habits of a disadvantaged student population who might otherwise have gone without professional health assistance.[4] Originally started through an initiative of the California State Office of Family Planning, the Center is currently affiliated with San Francisco's Department of Public Health.[5] Balboa became the first school in the San Francisco Bay Area to freely distribute condoms to students in May 1992.[6] This program and the clinic's other family planning and sexually transmitted disease efforts have featured somewhat controversially in a number of research papers and debates.[7][8][9]

Balboa became embroiled in controversy over a hazing incident on February 22, 1994 in which three JROTC cadets were assaulted by other team members under orders from senior commanders, one cadet ultimately being rendered partially deaf from a punctured eardrum.[10] The resulting litigation from this incident exposed a culture and history of JROTC hazing at Balboa and several other SFUSD schools extending into the 1980s.[11] This controversy has been cited by JROTC opponents in efforts to eliminate the program at all SFUSD schools.[12]

In 1996, frustrated by high turnover and low performance on the part of the educational staff, the SFUSD dismissed the entire faculty in a last-ditch effort to turn the school around.[13] This dramatic event was to mark the start of an academic resurgence at Balboa.

During the 1999-2000 academic year, Balboa shifted its entire academic program to the concept of Small Learning Communities (SLC). These communities would form a "school-within-a-school" in an effort to turn around past poor academic performance. To support the formation of SLCs, Balboa was the recipient of funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2004 and 2005 through the Every Child Can Learn Foundation[2] as part of the ECCLF's Secondary Redesign Initiative.[14]

Frustrated by poor conditions such as insufficient textbooks and dilapidated facilities during the late 1990s, students at Balboa became members of the class-action lawsuit Williams v. California.[15] Filed in 2000 by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) against the State of California, the suit alleged a failure to provide adequate facilities, textbooks, and teachers for the poorest schools in the state.[16][13] The case was named after Eliezer Williams, a middle school student age 12 at the time, who would go on to graduate from Balboa.[17] The lawsuit was resolved in 2004, with the administration of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger agreeing to provide US$138 million for instructional material, US$50 million for critical facility repairs at nearly 2,400 state schools, and to reimburse school districts for future repairs of deficient facilities. Estimates indicate California may be liable for up to US$1 billion in reimbursements over several years.[18]

Building on an effort started in 2001 to increase scores by providing breakfast before tests, Balboa initiated a pilot classroom breakfast program in 2005 called "Grab N Go".[19] A first for Northern California, the program has successfully increased the number of disadvantaged students receiving breakfast. Using magnetic swipe cards, eligible students can pickup a pre-bagged meal and are allowed to eat the meal during the first ten minutes of their first class.[20] Previously students would have to arrive up to 30 minutes before classes started and finish the meal in the cafeteria. Credited with increasing academic perfomance, the program was nominated by Nancy Pelosi for and received a Victory Against Hunger Award from the Congressional Hunger Center in 2006.[21] Balboa was one of four schools nationwide to receive part of a grant from the got breakfast? campaign in March 2007 to support the program. [22]

[edit] Campus

gymnasium arcade
gymnasium arcade

[edit] Location

At the intersection of Cayuga and Onondaga avenues in the Mission Terrace neighborhood, the school campus is located a few blocks away from major thoroughfares in the Excelsior District including Mission Street, Geneva Avenue, Alemany Boulevard, and Ocean Avenue. The campus is close to Balboa Park, the Balboa Park BART / Muni station, and Interstate 280. San Franciso MUNI transit lines J, K, M, 14, 14L, 14X, 15, 26, 29, 43, 49, and 54 provide nearby service to the school.

The Balboa High School campus is part of a larger SFUSD academic complex which includes neighboring James Denman Middle School and the San Miguel Child Development Center. Balboa is close to City College of San Francisco, the private Lick-Wilmerding High School, and Catholic Archbishop Riordan High School.

[edit] Landmark

The Balboa campus became San Francisco historic landmark number 205 by proclamation signed on January 20, 1995 by then mayor Frank Jordan.[23] As the only public school landmark in the city, Balboa is regarded as one of the better architected and visually engaging schools within the SFUSD.[24] San Francisco architect John Reid Jr. designed the first campus buildings in the Spanish Colonial Revival Style with a prominent center courtyard, mission style roof tiles, and arcades. Other architectural firms built two other parts of the campus.

[edit] Facilities

A campus modernization project was completed in 1998 by the architectural firm, Deems Lewis McKinley, which included the removal of the red-tile roof for seismic safety.[25] A piece of tile can still be found in Balboa's hall of history in commemoration of this event and as a memento of the past.

The school theater was refurbished in 2004 with the help of charitable funding from the theatrical producer, Carole Shorenstein Hays, through the SFUSD.[26]

[edit] Demographics

[edit] 2005-2006
  • 1,035 students:
Asian Hispanic Filipino African American White Pacific Islander no response American Indian
38.3% 19.7% 18.2% 14.2% 4.6% 3.2% 1.1% 0.8%
  • 63 certified staff; M/F (52.4/47.6):
White no response Asian Hispanic Filipino African American American Indian Pacific Islander
39.7% 17.5% 12.7% 11.1% 9.5% 7.9% 1.6% 0%

Source: California Department of Education[27]

[edit] Curriculum

library building
library building

Balboa participates in the SFUSD's admissions lottery in which students from the entire city can indicate a preference to attend any of the district schools regardless of geographical location. Based on this preference and certain socioeconomic factors, students are then assigned to schools per district policies and goals.

[edit] Small learning communities

Academic instruction at Balboa High School is centered around the concept of Small Learning Communities (SLC). Each SLC's curriculum has a thematic focus which is designed to encourage individualized learning, develop an awareness of the future, and build personal responsibility.[28] A shared collaboration between teachers and students work to integrate lessons in their core classes. The same set of students would be present in each of the classes, fostering a learning community between both students and teachers. Some teachers in each community will follow their students into the next grade to enhance continuity.[29]

In their first two years, communities of approximately 60-120 students in each academy experience focused core literary and mathematics instruction, with emphasis on community citizenship, and an exploration of career paths. Academies or pathways are chosen by students at the end of the 10th grade for the second half of their school career with the goal of preparation for career and college. A few exceptions are noted below.

All communities are designed to provide the University of California "a-g college prep" coursework necessary for university admissions eligibility.[30]

  • 10th Grade E/F: Engages students in their academic future, preparing them to make decisions about the direction of their future high school career. Explores core subjects in more specificity; including ethnic literature, biology, and modern world history. Students augment their social and academic skills through exercises which include the development of a portfolio in addition to the writing of papers, projects, and a research presentation.[31]
  • Action: Students may choose to enter the Action academy starting in the 10th grade.

  • Communication Arts (CAST): One of the more popular pathways at Balboa,[28] the CAST Academy approaches core courses in history, literature, and the sciences with a focus on communication through art, media, and technology. Students develop an awareness of collaboration through critical thinking exercises which build their practical skills in the communication arts. All CAST students participate in a community arts experience such as a mentorship or internship to further develop their career skills.[32]

  • Information and Technology (AoIT)

  • Law: The Law Academy prepares 11th and 12th grade students for college and career with a focus on justice. By encouraging students to challenge and reflect on their coursework in American literature, US History, and Pre-Law; students develop an awareness of community and interdependence while gaining an enabling vision of their future. On a practical level students will develop a resume, increase their communication skills (conflict resolution and interviewing), and practice for the SAT. Students will build analytical and problem solving skills by identifying a need or issue in a community and addressing it.[34]

[edit] Courses (2006-2007)

[edit] Advanced Placement

Balboa offers nine AP classes in addition to various honors classes for students wishing to learn at an accelerated pace. The administration has placed an emphasis on attracting and retaining students in AP courses from underrepresented ethnic groups. For example, the AP Spanish class has been used to introduce Hispanic students to other AP classes. The school has a unique policy: students are not allowed to drop out of an AP course without the principal's approval.[37]

[edit] Electives

The following is a list of notable electives provided at Balboa High School.

  • Animation
  • Pre-Law
  • Media Literacy and Production

[edit] Extracurricular activities

[edit] Athletics

The following athletic programs are provided at Balboa:

[edit] Organizations

The following is a complete list of organizations and clubs at Balboa High School.

[edit] Army JROTC
Balboa JROTC insignia

Balboa has six JROTC companies (classes) with five of them meeting each day, five days a week. Balboa has a before and after school class from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 pm, respectively everyday. The Balboa Battalion's special teams and drill teams practice before and after school. Balboa has a history in several award-winning teams that have consistently placed in city-wide competitions in the San Francisco JROTC Brigade. Among these are the Girls' Drill Team, Boys' Flag Team, Color Guard, Drill Platoon, Squad Drill Team and Drum Corps. Balboa constantly participates in physical activity challenges in its Raiders Team, individual drill-down competitions, guidon flag drill and other drilling and marching exhibitions. Balboa's special teams participate and perform in many parades where it is well-known and award-winning such as the annual San Francisco Veterans' Day Parade, the Excelsior District Festival and the annual 91st or spring drill competition in the Presidio.

The Balboa Battalion and its cadet corps of approximately 225 cadets volunteer extensively in different service learning projects and community service projects coordinated by the battalion staff of student officers and the army instructors. The battalion donates canned food items and toys to annual holiday food and toy drives where it has gained notoriety among the Student Association for amassing large amounts of food for the drive; because of this, the Balboa Battalion sponsors and puts together the food drive each year at Balboa. Balboa's JROTC participates in the city-wide beach clean up annually, as well as cleaning up the school campus on a regular basis several times a month. The Balboa Battalion is a familiar face in each Earth Day event at Balboa, where cadets volunteer and clean the school. The JROTC program participates in service learning programs such as training in the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team to respond to any emergency event that may happen within the city or the school to keep fellow cadets and students alike of Balboa High School safe.

[edit] Mock Trial
2005-2006 City and County Champion Mock Trial Team
2005-2006 City and County Champion Mock Trial Team

The Balboa High School Mock Trial team is sponsored by Artnelson Concordia, a Law Academy teacher, and the Heller Ehrman law firm.[38] The team practices from September to February in preparation for City and County of San Francisco competitions held in the last two weeks of February. The champions in this competition move on to the state competition in March. The state champion will then move on to the national competition in May, representing the state of California.

In 2005, the Balboa Mock Trial team was unable to move from the first round to the semi-finals.

However in 2006, it was crowned the champion of the City and County of San Francisco. Despite a 0-2 record in the first rounds, technicalities (a team’s win/loss record and point percentages) allowed Balboa to move on to the semi-finals. It was then that the Balboa team defeated The School of the Arts after losing to SOTA previously in the first round. The team then went on to defeat Mission High School in the finals. As the winning team for San Francisco, Balboa went on to represent the county at the state competitions in Riverside, California.[39] In commemoration of this achievement, San Francisco District 11 Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval awarded the Balboa Mock Trial team the title of "District 11 Local Heroes."[40]

In 2007, Balboa lost to Lowell High School, yet defeated Mission High School to advance to the semi-final competitions. In the semi-finals, Balboa lost to the School of the Arts who would then lose to Lowell High School in the city/county championships. Balboa's record for 2007 was 1-2.

[edit] United Playaz
United Playaz

United Playaz is an anti-violence and gang prevention program which seeks to stop the seeds of school violence through collaborative meetings and activities. The program was started in 1994 by former Balboa student turned gang prevention counselor, Rudy Corpuz, as a response to racially motivated gang violence between Balboa students. The group is best known for fostering meetings and discussions between formerly adversarial stakeholders including the school administration, community, and various student factions. These efforts were credited with turning the security situation at Balboa around by 1997.[41] The "Playaz" have hosted sports programs, talent shows, and field trips in an effort to not only target and dissuade at risk youth from gangs but to provide ways for students to openly discuss and express opinions on issues and tensions which unchecked lead to violence.[42] United Playaz was the subject of an episode on television news magazine California Connected in June 2003.[43]

The United Playaz collaborates with the ROOTS program, a program for students whose parents or family members are incarcerated. ROOTS focuses on interdependence with their peers including the "Playaz."

[edit] Notable people

[edit] See also

San Francisco County high schools

[edit] References

  1. ^ San Francisco's SFProspector. City and County of San Francisco. Retrieved on 2007-03-18.
  2. ^ a b Knight, Heather. "Reluctant Balboa students now are boosters for their school / A less-favored S.F. high school suits them just fine", San Francisco Chronicle, 2004-03-12. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  3. ^ "New Pop Records", Time Magazine, 1953-01-26. Retrieved on 2007-01-20.
  4. ^ "Linking health and schools", San Francisco Chronicle, 2006-03-23. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  5. ^ Community Information Database. Retrieved on 2006-12-15.
  6. ^ McCabe, Michael. "S.F. Students Back Plan for Free Condoms: They Say Many Teenagers Having Unprotected Sex", San Francisco Chronicle, 1991-10-10. Retrieved on 2006-12-15.
  7. ^ Hartigan, JD (1999). "The disastrous results of condom distribution programs". Couple to Couple League Family Foundations: 1999 Mar-Apr 25 (5). PMID 12295141. 
  8. ^ Darney, Philip D.; Callegari, Lisa S.; Swift, Allison; Atkinson, Elizabeth S.; Robert, Anne M. (1999). "Condom practices of urban teens using Norplant contraceptive implants, oral contraceptives, and condoms for contraception". American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 180 (4). PMID 10203661. 
  9. ^ Horwitz, Sari, Goodstein, Laurie. "Condoms in District Schools Stir Concern, Skepticism Series", Washington Post, 1992-05-17. Retrieved on 2006-12-16.
  10. ^ Olszewski, Lori. "Battle Lines on Campus / Does Reserve Office Training teach high school students how to lead or how to follow?", San Francisco Chronicle, 1995-01-15. Retrieved on 2006-12-13.
  11. ^ Berlowitz, Marvin J. (2000). "Racism and Conscription in the JROTC". Peace Review: September 2000 12 (3). 
  12. ^ Tucker, Jill. "SAN FRANCISCO / School board votes to dump JROTC program", San Francisco Chronicle, 2006-11-15. Retrieved on 2006-12-13.
  13. ^ a b Yeung, Bernice. "Hard Lessons", SF Weekly, 2000-10-11. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  14. ^ Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: High Schools - Grant (2005). Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  15. ^ Verstegen, Deborah A.; Venegas, Kristan; Knoeppel, Robert (2006). "Savage Inequalities Revisited: Adequacy, Equity, and State High Court Decisions". Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Education Studies Association 40 (1). 
  16. ^ Civil Rights Groups Expand Landmark Education Suit. ACLU of Northern California (2000). Retrieved on 2007-01-11.
  17. ^ a b Hull, Dana. "Teen's goal in sight for fixing schools", San Jose Mercury News, 2004-08-12. Retrieved on 2006-12-15.
  18. ^ Sanders, Jim. "Deal on schools lawsuit crafted", Sacramento Bee, 2004-08-11. Retrieved on 2006-12-15.
  19. ^ "Balboa High offers breakfast to test takers", San Francisco Chronicle, 2001-04-26, p. A18. Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  20. ^ "Breakfast in the classroom", San Francisco Chronicle, Hearst Communications, 2005-06-06, p. B4. Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  21. ^ US House of Representatives (2006-07-18). Pelosi Honors San Francisco Unified School District For Victory Against Hunger Award. Press release. Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  22. ^ got breakfast? Foundation (2007-03-05). "got breakfast?" Foundation Announces New Grants for School District to Implement Classroom Breakfast. Press release. Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  23. ^ Knight, Heather. "Preserving S.F.'s beautiful schools", San Francisco Chronicle, 2004-11-29. Retrieved on 2006-12-15.
  24. ^ Whiting, Sam. "Golden Oldies / When form equaled function: high school architecture from its prime", San Francisco Chronicle, 2004-08-15. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  25. ^ Deems Lewis McKinley - Balboa High School. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  26. ^ Winn, Steven. "Second Acts / San Francisco's Carole Shorenstein Hays has built a career on Broadway by taking calculated risks", San Francisco Chronicle, 2004-10-31. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  27. ^ California Department of Education - DataQuest report 2005-2006. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  28. ^ a b Scharfenberg, David. "A peek at small schools across the bay", Berkeley Daily Planet, 2001-12-20. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  29. ^ Redesigning Secondary Education (Grades 6-12) in San Francisco (PDF). SFUSD. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  30. ^ University of California a-g Course Lists: Balboa High School (2006-2007). Retrieved on 2006-12-16.
  31. ^ Lifelong Learners Academy. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  32. ^ CAST Academy. Retrieved on 2006-12-16.
  33. ^ International Pathway. Retrieved on 2006-11-26.
  34. ^ Law Academy. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  35. ^ Snell, Marilyn Berlin (2003). "Life Study: How Nature Nurtures Students at an Inner-City High School". Sierra Magazine, Nov-December 2003 88 (6). 
  36. ^ WALC. SFUSD (2000). Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  37. ^ Schevitz, Tanya. "SAN FRANCISCO / Balboa pushes college-prep curriculum / High school urges students with potential to enroll in Advanced Placement courses", San Francisco Chronicle, 2005-01-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-15.
  38. ^ "Balboa and Mission High Schools Compete in Mock Trial: BASF Members Coach Teams", The Recorder, 2006-03-06. Retrieved on 2006-11-26.
  39. ^ 2006 California Mock Trial Finals County Winners. Constitutional Rights Foundation (2006). Retrieved on 2007-01-03.
  40. ^ Certificates of Honor 2006. City and County of San Francisco (2006). Retrieved on 2007-01-03.
  41. ^ Martin, Glen. "A Jump Off the Streets / S.F.'s United Playaz gives teens a ticket to a life without gangs", San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  42. ^ Chow, May. "Fighting Violence with Good Vibes", Asian Week, 2004-04-16. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  43. ^ Blum, Steven (2003). United Playaz. June 19, 2003 : California Connected. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  44. ^ Jenkins, Todd S. (2005). San Francisco trumpeter and educator. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  45. ^ Varsallone, Jim (2002). Livin' large: there's no ifs, ands, or butts about it, rump-shaking Rikishi is the king of the WWE super-heavyweights - Special section: the heavyweight - Interview. Wrestling Digest: August, 2002. Retrieved on 2007-01-11.
  46. ^ Holbrook, Stett. "Aloha, Spam and kalua pig", San Francisco Chronicle, 2004-10-13. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.
  47. ^ Mcnally, Dennis (2002). A Long Strange Trip: The Inside History of the Grateful Dead. Broadway, 15. ISBN 0-7679-1185-7. 
  48. ^ Hamlin, Jesse. "Philip Lamantia -- S.F. Surrealist poet / Visionary verse of literary prodigy influenced Beats", San Francisco Chronicle, 2005-03-11. Retrieved on 2007-01-03.
  49. ^ Chonin, Neva. "A Dilly of a Career / The Bay Area's Invisibl Skratch Piklz have become world stars of turntablism", San Francisco Chronicle, 1998-11-01. Retrieved on 2007-01-11.
  50. ^ de Leon, Krishtine (2005). "Get on your P's and Q's : Ten Things You Don't Know About QBERT". Ruckus - Bay Area Rap Culture: July/August 2005. Retrieved on 2007-01-11.
  51. ^ Willie Wise Statistics - Retrieved on 2007-01-04.
  52. ^ Obituary - Josephine E. Cole passes away (PDF). May 15-21, 2006 - City Currents (2006). Retrieved on 2006-11-26.
  53. ^ "Josephine Cole -- First African American High School Teacher -- Balboa High School", San Francisco News-Call Bulletin, Bancroft Library, 1948-02-28. Retrieved on 2006-11-26.

[edit] External links