Baja Mali Knindža

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Baja Mali Knindža

Background information
Birth name Mirko Pajčin
Born 13 October 1966
Origin Gubin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia
Genre(s) Patriotic music, turbo folk
Braća sa Dinare

Baja Mali Knindža (Serbian: Баја Мали Книнџа), whose real name is Mirko Pajčin, is a Serbian turbo folk singer. He is step uncle of famous serbian porn star Ksenija Pajčin.He was born on 13 October 1966 in the village of Gubin, near Livno, Bosnia, then Yugoslavia.

Baja Mali Knindža is not to be mistaken with Nedeljko Bajić Baja, who is another famous turbo folk singer.Baja often uses alis Mala Mindža.Baja Mali Knindža performs patriotic songs and odes to alcohol, such as "Duni vjetre preko jetre" (Blow, wind, through the liver). Baja Mali Knindza is well known for his nationalist songs supporting the Serbs during the Yugoslav wars. For this, he has been banned from performing in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia for singing war songs with chetnik references, which in turn caused him to say that he will never return to Bosnia or Croatia to perform, even if his songs are popular in the Serbian populated areas. He said that he would never consider going to Croatia because of the "Ustashas" burning down his house and desecrated his predecessors graves. Many of his songs are condemned in Bosnia and Croatia due to the fact that he sings against the people and promotes chetnik ideology . Since the fall of Krajina, Baja Mali Knindža has written many songs about his dream of the Serbian people returning to live in the territories recaptured during the Croatian War of Independence. His songs also express his sorrow of living without his land. Many of the songs became instant hits, such as "Ne rodila ni njivo ni šljivo". Here is a sample of the lyrics from the song:

Ne rodila ni njivo ni šljivo / The plums nor the fields have grown
I sve im se osušilo živo / and everything has dried up on them
Što sadili, ništa ne rodilo / whatever they have planted, nothing has grown
Hej dušmani prokleto vam bilo / my enemy, may you be forever cursed

Baja lives with his wife and three daughters in Austria. He is a supporter of the Serb Radical Party.


[edit] Discography

[edit] Albums

  • 1991: Ne dam Krajine / Не дам Крајине
  • 1992: Stan'te paše i Ustaše / Стан'те паше и усташе
  • 1993: Živjeće ovaj narod / Живјеће овај народ
  • 1993: Uživo sa braćom Bajić, Rašom Pavlovićem, i Goricom Ilić / Уживо са браћом Бајић Рашом Павловићем и Горицом Илић
  • 1994: Još se ništa ne zna / Још се ништа не зна
  • 1994: Rat i mir / Рат и мир
  • 1994: Kockar bez sreće / Коцкар без среће
  • 1994: Pobijediće istina / Побиједиће истина
  • 1995: Igraju se delije / Играју се делије
  • 1995: Idemo dalje / Идемо даље
  • 1996: Zbogom oružje / Збогом оружје
  • 1997: Ne dirajte njega / Не дирајте њега
  • 1998: Povratak u budućnost / Повратак у будућност
  • 1998: Srpskim radikalima / Српским радикалима
  • 1999: Biti il ne Biti / Бити ил не бити
  • 1999: Život je tamo / Живот је тамо
  • 2000: Zaljubljen i mlad / Заљубљен и млад
  • 2001: Đe si legendo / Ђе си легендо
  • 2002: Zbogom pameti / Збогом памети
  • 2003: Baja Mali Knindža: uživo / Уживо
  • 2003: Luda Žurka - uživo / Луда журка - уживо
  • 2006: Za kim zvona zvone /

[edit] Controversy

Baja Mali Knindža is controversial due to his nationalism, which are seen by Bosniaks and Croatians as hate speech. For example, his song "Ne volim te Alija" describes his strong dislike for Bosnian war-time president Alija Izetbegović includes the lyrics:

Ne volim te Alija / I don't like you Alija
Zato što si Balija / Because you're a Balija (Balija: Derogatory term for a Bosniak)
Srušio si miran san / You have broken a peaceful dream

Or his song:

Moj je tata / My father is
Zločinac iz rata / a warcriminal
Vi se potrudite / You can try your best
Pa ga osudite / to prosecute him

In one song, he sings "čuti čuti ujko, ubit ću te ja" / listen listen ujko (nickname for Ustashi, used to describe Croats) I will kill you. He has also sung "Ja ne volim ljude te, koje vole HDZ"—I don't like those people who like the HDZ (A right-wing Croatian political party), and included "f*** their šahovica" (the symbol of Croatia.)

[edit] External links

Template:DEFUALTSORT:Knindza, Baja Mali