Baggersee Innsbruck

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Baggersee Innsbruck
Names: Baggersee Rossau, Baggersee Innsbruck
Maximum Depth: 14.30 m
Medium Depth: 1 - 5 m
Area size: 0,028 km²
Water volume: 162.500
Height: 575 m

The "Baggersee Innsbruck also: Baggersee Rossau" is located on the south-east edge of Innsbruck by the Inn River and belongs to the city district Amras. With an area size of 2.8 ha it is the second largest Lake in the city area. Only the Lake Lans surpasses it with size and volume.

Many people use the Lake as nearby recreation area in Summer. The water can warm itself up to 24°C. Besides one find several sport possibilities as Beach Volley, Badminton, Streetball or table tennis. In Fall the water is intensively used for surfing.

Even though the intense use the water quality remains constant at Grade B. Reed regions, fresh water supply and subterranean connections with the sewage treat plant Rossau and Inn River provide the Lake with sufficient water upheavals. Rare water birds like cormorants and swans were detected by eager ornithologists, which use this territory out of bathing seasons.

The Baggersee Innsbruck and his environment is a jewel, which is thoroughly maintained by the city. Bathing is charged (~3 €/Adults). The income is used for the maintenance of the leisure facility.

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