User:Badbilltucker/Admin Oversight Board

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This is a proposal to create guidelines for, and possibly, eventually, implementation of, an oversight board which would, upon request, investigate the actions of administrators whose actions have been called into question. It is similar to several other organizations, including the Arbitration Committee, but would hopefully create a board composed of (possibly) administrators, non-administrators, bureaucrats, and possibly some of the formal staff of wikipedia or its parent organization to determine whether these actions of administrators were legitimately undertaken, if they were not, whether they qualify in the eyes of the board as being either malicious or motivated by some other form of bad faith, and what if any actions should be taken based on the final decision.

[edit] Reasons for creation of project

There are editors who repeatedly call into question the actions of administrators, and there is a strong probablility that at least some of the actions called into question are in fact in some way improper. Some of these same individuals go on to question the integrity of admins in general in regards to reviewing the actions of other administrators, and propose that administrators may not be necessarily the best people to make judgements which may in some instances be similar to some of their own actions. Also, some individuals have expressed concerns that an administrator could potentially be sued in a civil court for actions taken regarding a particular editor. The presence of an independent review board, which could determine whether an administrator deserves to be suspended, and whether that same administrator acted with bad faith or not, would probably be extremely useful to a civil court in deciding upon such cases, and may even be sufficient to preempt such legal action.

[edit] Structure

A page would be created where editors, possibly including administrators, could raise their concerns, and a formal or informal group of editors could then review any complaints and determine if (1) there is sufficient cause to consider bringing it before an oversight board and (2) whether all other actions which might be profitable have already been taken. They would fulfill the function of the district attorney, prosecuting attorney, examining magistrate, or similar governmental body. A new board, containing individuals specifically chosen for every review, would then be called into existence to review the case. Any and all individuals who are found to have any connection to the case would be recused, within reason. The person bringing the complaint would then present his case, possibly with the help of another editor. The admin in question, possibly with assistance, would then present his defense. The board, functioning as a jury, would then rule on whether the admin's actions were proper, and, if they were not, what sort of action, if any, should be taken. They probably would not be specifically given direct authority to suspend an administrator's priveleges, and possibly even his ability to edit, but would recommend to some other body the action to be taken, which that other body would almost certainly make. In extreme cases, where the person bringing the complaint is found to have been malicious or improper in bringing forward the complaints, the board could also recommend suspension of the plaintiff as well.

By definition, it would at this point be impossible to determine the exact makeup of the board in question. However, a board of the size of the average judicial board (seven to nine members) would probably be sufficient. And, as some individuals would have to recuse themselves, membership could not be determined in advance. However, certain guidelines for selection of such individuals could be made up in advance.

If you are interested in helping decide the "nuts and bolts" details of such a board, please post your name below. I also request all individuals to feel free to comment on this proposal either below or on the accompanying talk page. Thank you for your time.

[edit] Individuals interested in creating a formal proposal

DTGardner 17:23, 22 February 2007 (UTC)