Bad Check Restitution Program

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A Bad Check Restitution Program is a deviation program operated by the district attorney's officein a county, state, or other jurisdiction that is responsible for collecting funds from bad check writers. The purpose of the agency is to obtain monies owed to the recipient of the check from the writer of that check.

The agency generally pursues the bad check writer by warning the writer that s/he has committed a criminal act, and is subject to prosecution. However, s/he may avoid prosecution by meeting the guidelines of the program, which generally include the payment of all monies owed to the recipient, a program fee, and participation in a course designed to improve the check writer's habits.

Generally, enrollment in the program is not an admission of guilt to a crime, and will not result in criminal charges being filed or a criminal record. Those who successfully complete all program requirements will have the case against them dismissed without any possibility of arrest, criminal charges or a record thereafter.

Those failing to complete program requirements may have their case turned over to the district attorney to be prosecuted like any other criminal case. {Crime: stub}