Bad Bargain

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Title Bad Bargain

First edition cover
Author Diana G. Gallagher
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Horror novel
Publisher Simon Spotlight Entertainment
Released December 26, 2006
Media type Print (none yet)
Pages 256
Preceded by (Unknown)
Followed by (Unknown)

Bad Bargain is an original novel based on the U.S. television series Buffy.


[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Having sealed the Hellmouth, the Scooby Gang do not realise that anything is odd when things to be sold at the first annual band fund-raising rummage sale are stored in the school basement, which is directly above the Hellmouth.

The rummage sale begins, and the items on sale seem to be having an unexpected effect on those that buy them. Even Xander and Willow are soon affected. The situation gets more serious resulting in the school being quarantined leaving Buffy and Giles to sort things out before the items get sold elsewhere.

[edit] Miscellanea

[edit] Continuity

[edit] Timing

  • Its place in the wider Buffyverse chronology is presently unknown until closer to the release date, but most likely it will take place in Buffy Season 2 since many of the recent novels have been placed there (with the exception of Blackout).
  • The Buffy books are listed in order of chronology in a navigation box at the bottom of this article.

[edit] Canonical issues

Main article: Buffyverse canon
Buffy novels, such as this one are generally not considered by fans as part of canon. They are usually not viewed as official Buffyverse reality, but are novels from the authors' imaginations. However unlike fanfic, 'overviews' summarising their story, written early in the writing process, were 'approved' by Fox, who in turn may or may not have have sought appoval from Whedon (or his office). The book will be published as official Buffy merchandise.

[edit] See also

[edit] New/upcoming Buffyverse novels

[edit] New/upcoming Buffyverse comics

[edit] External links

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