Bacon number

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The Bacon number of an actor or actress is the number of degrees of separation (see Six degrees of separation) they have from actor Kevin Bacon, as defined by the game known as Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. This is an application of the Erdős number concept to the movie industry. The higher the Bacon number, the farther away from Kevin Bacon the actor is. The Bacon number (N) of any actor or actress X can be determined by the following set of rules:

  • N is 0 if X is Kevin Bacon
  • N is 1 plus the lowest Bacon number of all of the actors/actresses who have appeared in a movie with X
  • infinite/undefined if X cannot be connected to Kevin Bacon at all

Notably, Bacon is not the most linkable actor. According to the Oracle of Bacon site, that honour goes to Rod Steiger. The average Steiger number in the acting community is 2.679.[1] By contrast, the average Bacon number is 2.946.[2] The least linkable actor in Hollywood has an average number of 9.2. However, the Oracle of Bacon did not release his/her name.


[edit] Notable Bacon numbers

  • Very few actors have an undefined (or infinite) Bacon number, meaning that they cannot be linked to Bacon in any number of connections at all. As of December 2005, there were 9,692 actors in the IMDb who could not be linked to Kevin Bacon out of the total of 418,468 (approx. 2.3%).

[edit] References in Pop-Culture

  • In Strong Bad email number 167 ("the movies"), Strong Sad describes an actor in the film he is watching as having a "Bacon number of four."

[edit] Notes and references

[edit] External links

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