Ba Jin

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Li Yaotang

Ba Jin in 1938
Pseudonym: Ba Jin
Born: November 25, 1904
Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Died: October 17, 2005, aged 100
Occupation: Novelist
Nationality: Chinese
Writing period: 1927-1995
Influences: Emile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, Alexandr Herzen, Anton Chekhov

Li Yaotang (Simplified Chinese: 李尧棠, Styled Feigan; 芾甘) (November 25, 1904October 17, 2005) is considered to be one of the most important and widely-read Chinese writers of the twentieth century. He wrote under the pen name of Ba Jin (巴金, also Pa Chin), taking his pseudonym from Russian anarchists Bakunin and Kropotkin. Ba Jin started composing his first works in the late 1920s.


[edit] Biography

Born in Chengdu, Sichuan, Li was born into a scholar-official family where his paternal grandfather ruled with an iron hand, not unlike those depicted in his famous novel, Family. In 1920 he enrolled in the Chengdu Foreign Language Specialist School. Three years later, Li moved to Shanghai and then to Nanjing on the pretext of study to escape the feudalistic influence of his family. In 1927 he travelled to France for studies, where he first used the pen-name Ba Jin. While there he began writing his first novel, Miewang (“Destruction”). On his return to Shanghai in 1928, Ba Jin continued writing and working on translations. During the next 10 years, Li acted as editor to several important publishing firms and periodicals, as well as composing the works which he is best known for – Family (1931), The Love Trilogy Fog (1931), Rain (1933) and Lightning (1935), the novellas Autumn in Spring and A Dream of the Sea, the short story collection Mengya (“Germination”) and prose writings in Fuchou ("Vengeance") and Shen, Gui, Ren ("Gods, Ghosts and Men").

During the Second Sino-Japanese War (World War II), Ba Jin was actively involved in propaganda work against the Japanese invasion, working on the publication Nahan (“Outcries”, later renamed Fenghuo, “Beacons”) with Mao Dun. In the later stages of the war, Ba Jin completed the famous Torrents Trilogy — of which Family (1931) was the first written — with Spring (1938) and Autumn (1940). Other works of the post-war period, like the short novels A Garden of Repose (1944), Ward No 4 (1946) and Cold Nights (1947), contain some of his strongest writings.

Ba Jin in his later years
Ba Jin in his later years

During the Cultural Revolution, Ba Jin was heavily persecuted as a counter-revolutionary. His wife, Xiao Shan, died during the Revolution after being denied medical care, and the manner of her death traumatized Ba Jin for the rest of his life. He was rehabilitated in 1977, after which he was elected to many important national literary posts, including chairman of the Chinese Writers' Association (since 1983). The most significant work of his later years is probably the discursive writings in Suixiang Lu (translated as "Random Thoughts", 5 volumes, composed between 1978 and 1986), in which, among other things, he reflected on the Cultural Revolution in a painfully honest manner and asked specifically for a Cultural Revolution Museum to be set up as a deterrent for future generations.

He spoke and advocated Esperanto and in the 1980s was the vice-president of the Chinese Esperanto League.

Ba Jin’s works were heavily influenced by foreign writers, including Emile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, Alexandr Herzen and Anton Chekhov, and a substantial amount of his collected works are devoted to translations. His writing style, characterized by simplicity, avoids difficult, abstruse words, and most of his works would be easily understood by anyone with a high school degree, making him one of the easiest modern Chinese writer to read.

Ba Jin suffered from Parkinson's Disease since 1983, an ailment which almost completely debilitated him and confined him to a hospital unable to speak and walk toward the last few years of his life. Ba Jin died of cancer in Shanghai at the age of 100 (101 by Chinese reckoning). His death marked the end of an era for Chinese literature, especially since he was the last major writer to live through the May Fourth Movement.

Asteroid 8315 Bajin is named in his honour.

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] Translated into English

  • (1954) Living Amongst Heroes. Beijing: Foreign Language Press.
  • (1958) The Family. [trans. Sidney Shapiro] Beijing: Foreign Language Press.
  • (1959) A battle for life: a full record of how the life of steel worker, Chiu Tsai-kang, was saved in the Shanghai Kwangrze Hospital. Beijing: Foreign Language Press.
  • (1978) Cold Nights [trans. Nathan K. Mao and Liu Ts'un-yan] Hong Kong: Chinese University press.
  • (1984) Random Thoughts [trans. Germie Barm&ecute;] Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company. (Partial translation of Suizianglu)
  • (1988) Selected works of Ba Jin [trans. Sidney Shapiro and Jock Hoe] Beijing: Foreign Language Press. (Includes The Family, Autumn in Spring, Garden of Repose, Bitter Cold Nights)
  • (1999) Ward Four: A Novel of Wartime China [trans. Haili Kong and Howard Goldblatt]. San Francisco: China Books & Periodicals, Inc.

[edit] Ba Jin Stories in Collections

  • Arzybasheff, M.(1927). "Morning Shadows?" in Tales of the Revolution. Tr. Percy Pinkerton. New York Huebsch.
  • (1927)."Workingman Shevyrev." in Tales of the Revolution, tr. Percy Pinkerton. New York: Huebsch.

[edit] About Ba Jin

  • Ayers, W. (1950). "Shanghai Labor and the May Thirtieth Movement," Papers on China, 5:1-38. Harvard University, East Asian Research Center.
  • Bao-Puo. (1925). "The Anarchist Movement in China: From a Letter of a Chinese Comrade." Tr. from the Russian, in Freedom. 39.423:4.
  • (1953). "The Society for Literary Studies, 1921-1930." Papers on China. 7:34-79. Harvard University, East Asian Research Center.
  • Chen Tan-chen. (1963). "Pa Chin the Novelist: An Interview." Chinese Literature. 6:84-92.
  • Ch'en Chia-ai character. "Chung-kuo li-shih shang chih an-na-ch'i-chu -i che character (Anarchists in Chinese history); in K'o-lu-p'ao-t'e-chin hsueh-shuo kai-yao. pp. 379-410.
  • Hsin ch'ing-nien (1908). "Chinese Anarchist in Tokyo," Freedom, 22.23:52.
  • Lang, Olga, (1967). Pa Chin and His Writings: Chinese Youth Between the Two Revolutions. Harvard University Press.
  • Martin, H. and J. Kinkley, eds. (1992) Modern Chinese writers: self-portrayals. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
  • Renditions Autumn 1992. No. 38. "Special issue on Twentieth Century Memoirs. Reminiscences by well-known literary figures, including Zhu Ziqing, Ba Jin, Lao She and Wang Xiyan."

[edit] Films

  • Return from Silence: Five prominent and controversial Chinese writers speak on their roles in the modernization of China. (1 hour video cassette available) - The life and work of five esteemed Chinese writers whose modern classics shaped China's past: Ba Jin, Mao Dun, Ding Ling, Cao Yu, and Ai Qing. Produced by Chung-wen Shih, George Washington University. 1982.

[edit] Works

Short Story Collections:

  • Vengeance 《复仇》,1931
  • Brightness 《光明》,1932
  • The Electric Chair 《电椅》, 1933
  • Wiping Cloth 《抹布》,1933
  • The General 《将军》,1934
  • Gods, Ghosts and Men 《神·鬼·人》,1935
  • Sinking 《沉落》,1936
  • The Story of Hair 《发的故事》,1936
  • Thunder 《雷》,1937
  • Resurrection Grass 《还魂草》,1942
  • Little People, Little Events 《小人小事》,1943
  • Heroic Tales 《英雄的故事》,1953
  • Pigs and Chickens 《猪与鸡》,1959
  • Li Da-hai 《李大海》,1961
  • Stories Outside the City,1992

Children's literature:

  • The Immortality Pagoda 《长生塔》,1937
  • The Pearl and the Jade Concubine 《明珠和玉姬》,1957

Novels and Novellas:

  • Destruction 《灭亡》, 1929
  • The Dead Sun 《死去的太阳》, 1931
  • The "Love" Trilogy 《爱情的三部曲》 (1931-5)
    • Fog 《雾》, 1931
    • Rain 《雨》,1933
    • Lightning 《电》,1935
  • New Life 《新生》,1933
  • Miners 《砂丁》,1933
  • Germination 《萌芽》,1933
  • A Dream of the Sea 《海的梦》,1932
  • Autumn in Spring 《春天里的秋天》,1932
  • The "Torrents" Trilogy 《激流三部曲》
    • The Family 《家》,1933
    • Spring 《春》,1938
    • Autumn 《秋》,194O
  • Lina 《利娜》,1940
  • Fires 《火》(in three volumes),1940—1945
  • Stars 《星》(English-Chinese bilingual),1941
  • A Garden of Repose 《憩园》,1944
  • Ward No 4 《第四病室》,novella, 1946
  • Cold Nights 《寒夜》,1947

Autobiography and Memoirs:

  • Ba Jin: An Autobiography 《巴金自传》,1934
  • I Remember 《忆》,1936
  • Thinking Back on Childhood 《童年的回忆》,1984


  • (coauthor)Anarchism and its Practical Problems 《无政府主义与实际问题》,1927
  • From Capitalism to Anarchism 《从资本主义到安那其主义》,1930
  • A Walk by the Sea 《海行》,1932
  • Travel Notes 《旅途随笔》,1934
  • Droplets of Life 《点滴》,1935
  • Confessions of Living 《生之忏悔》,1936
  • Brief Notes 《短简》,1937
  • I Accused 《控诉》,1937
  • Dreaming and Drunkenness 《梦与醉》,1938
  • Thoughts and Feelings 《感想》,1939
  • Black Earth 《黑土》,1939
  • Untitled 《无题》,1941
  • Dragons, Tigers and Dogs 《龙·虎·狗》,1941
  • Outside the Derelict Garden 《废园外》,1942
  • Travel Notes 《旅途杂记》,1946
  • Remembering 《怀念》,1947
  • Tragedy of a Still Night 《静夜的悲剧》,1948
  • The Nazi Massacre Factory: Auschwitz 《纳粹杀人工厂—奥斯威辛》,1951
  • Warsaw Festivals: Notes in Poland 《华沙城的节日—波兰杂记》,1951
  • The Consoling Letter and Others 《慰问信及其他》,1951
  • Living Amongst Heroes 《生活书局在英雄们中间》,1953
  • They Who Defend Peace 《保卫和平的人们》,1954
  • On Chekhov 《谈契河夫》,1955
  • Days of Great Joy 《大欢乐的日子》,1957
  • Strong Warriors 《坚强的战士》,1957
  • A Battle for Life 《—场挽救生命的战斗》,1958
  • New Voices: A Collection 《新声集》,1959
  • Friendship: A Collection 《友谊集》,1959
  • Eulogies: A Collection 《赞歌集》,1960
  • Feelings I Can't Express 《倾吐不尽的感情》,1963
  • Lovely by the Bridge 《贤良桥畔》,1964
  • Travels to Dazhai 《大寨行》,1965
  • Ba Jin: New Writings,1978—1980
  • Smorching Smoke 《烟火集》,1979
  • Random Thoughts 《随想录》,1978-86
  • Thinking Back on Writing 《创作回忆录》1981
  • Exploration and Memories 《探索与回忆》,1982
  • Afterwords: A Collection 《序跋集》,1982
  • Remembrance: A Collection 《忆念集》,1982
  • Ba Jin: On Writing 《巴金论创作》,1983
  • Literature: Recollections (with Lao She) 《文学回忆录》1983
  • To Earth to Dust 《愿化泥土》,1984
  • I Accused: A Collection 《控诉集》,1985
  • In My Heart 《心里话》,1986
  • Ten Years, One Dream 《十年一梦》,1986
  • More Thoughts 《再思录》,1995


  • To Our Young Friends Looking for Aspirations 《寻找理想的少年朋友》,1987
  • Snow and Dirt 《雪泥集》,1987
  • Collected Letters of Ba Jin 《巴金书信集》, 1991


[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Razak, Dzulkifli Abdul (Oct. 30, 2005). "Leaving behind their legacies". New Straits Times, p. F9.

[edit] External links

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Preceded by
Mao Dun
Chairman of Chinese Writer Association
Succeeded by
Tie Ning