B. Palaniappan

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[edit] Introduction

Padma Shri Dr. B. Palaniappan is an eminent gynecologist who has been serving the medical fraternity for over 40 years. In recognitions of his contributions to the field of Medicine Dr. B. Palaniappan received the prestigious Padma Shri Award from the President of India Dr. Abdul Kalam on March 29th, 2006 at the official residence of the President of India -- The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.

Dr. B. Palaniapan was born on November 5, 1930 at Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu to Shri. Bhuvaraghan and Smt. Gnanambal. He started his medical studies from Stanley Medical College, Chennai and did his post graduation at the prestigious Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Chennai. He was trained by professors of International repute. He continued his academic career as a teacher for more than a quarter of a century training generations of medical students, both undergraduates and postgraduates.

Dr. B. Palaniappan has been involved in many research projects in both clinical and academic spheres. He was instrumental in banning some of the harmful drugs that were being used at that time as a pregnancy test. His work in the field of fertility control was published in many national and international journals and textbooks. He has authored many books for medical students, post graduates and para medical health workers. He was an ESCAP fellow (UN Fellowship) for training in culdoscopy and laparoscopy at Singapore.

His untiring efforts resulted in establishing a Centre of Excellence for Microsurgery and Recanalisation at the Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai with grants from UNFPA, Govt. of India and Govt. of Tamil Nadu. This center is a training ground for doctors from the entire southern region. This was of immense benefit to the parents who have undergone surgical sterilization but later regretted and wanted reversal of the procedures. He was the Director of ICMR at the College and was involved in many clinical research works. He undertook many projects related to human reproduction.

Dr. B. Palaniappan has presented and published over 100 research papers in many national and international journals and conferences. He has been invited as guest speaker and Chairperson in many national and international conferences. As the President of Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of India, with a membership of over 15,000, he traveled to the remote corners of this Country propagating the message of safe motherhood and training many young gynecologists in various newer techniques in the specialty. He has given lot of guidelines in the field of family welfare as President of the National Association for Voluntary Sterilization of India.

His participation in International conferences at Berlin, Tokyo, Bangkok etc were well received and widely appreciated. He was awarded the prestigious Dr. B.C. Roy award by the President of India in 1996. He has also been awarded with Life Time Achievement Award at various centers like Calcutta, Allahabad, Lucknow and Chennai. The Royal College of Surgeons (Glasgow) awarded him with their Fellowship. He was honored with the Fellowship of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, India (FAMS). He is also a Fellow of International Academy of Medical Sciences.

[edit] Achievements and Contributions

Dr. B.Palaniappan has been a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in various medical colleges in Tamilnadu for more than 25 years. He was an exceptional teacher and a doctor with a humane approach. Following the footsteps of such doyens like Sir. A.Lakshmanasami Mudaliar and Prof. M.K.Krishna Menon, he dedicated his professional life for the upliftment of the pregnant mothers and suffering women. He was an undergraduate and postgraduate examiner for more than 20 years. He was also an examiner and Inspector for the National Board of Examinations.

The National Academy of Medical sciences (India) honored him by electing him as its Fellow and awarded FAMS, a honour which very few obstetricians and gynecologists from this part of the Country are conferred with.

In recognition of his academic excellence, the Royal College of Surgeons, Glasgow (UK) also conferred him its Fellowship by awarding FRCS to him. He received Dr. B.C.Roy National Award (1995) in recognition of his outstanding services in the field of sociomedical Relief and in establishment of medical organisations in India.

President of Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI): FOGSI is the All India professional body of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, consisting of 170 member societies and over 18,000 obstetricians and gynecologists as its members. The post of President is the highest recognition these 18,000 members could confer on its fellow obstetrician and gynecologist.

As FOGSI President, he travelled far and wide of this country propagating the message of safe motherhood, reproduction and child health and brought to the forefront, easily available economic methods for reducing maternal and new born mortality and morbidity.

He was also the President of National Association for Voluntary Sterilization and Family Welfare of India (NAVSFWI) with a vast net work of over 3000 members spread all over India even in small and remote areas. He disseminated the message of reproductive rights, empowerment of women and the need for reducing neonatal morbidity and mortality much before these came into the mainstream.

Contribution to Reproductive and Child Health:

Prof. B.Palaniappan became the reputed expert in the field of Reproductive and Child health. At a time when voluntary surgical sterilization was at its infancy. Prof. Palaniappan became the first person to take up Culdoscopy and laparoscopic sterilization as early as 1975. He has performed thousands of sterilization procedures. His contribution to voluntary sterilization and family planning earned him a well-deserved recognition not only in India but also in countries like Singapore, Japan, Bangkok, Germany etc. He is truly a pioneer in the field of voluntary surgical sterilization in India.

He has trained more than 200 doctors in the technique of lapaoscopic sterlization. Due to his untiring efforts this minimally invasive surgical sterilization method became popular and available to all acceptors throughout the country. His immense love for teaching and his sense of commitment to the cause and to the society made him write a book on Laparoscopic Sterilization in the early 80s when the technique itself had just come to India. This book has helped and guided many young surgeons in mastering the art and making it safer.

Training of paramedical personnel:

His text book for nurses and midwives on care of pregnant mothers, prevention of pregnancy related complications, safe child birth, care of the new born is still being acclaimed as one of the best publication of its kind.

Research Assignments:

As Director of Human reproduction research center, ICMR at Chennai, he was involved in the following research activities: Fertility Control, maternal and Child Health Oral contraceptives Standardization of rings and bands for laparoscopic sterilization Implants for contraception Long acting injectable contraceptives. All these have resulted in popularizing these methods of contraception and are being sought after by the public today.

Creation of Center of Excellence in Microsurgical Recanalisation (Government of India, Association of voluntary Surgical Sterlisation(AVSE), New York & United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) Project ):

Realising the agony of men and women who lose their children after being sterilized, Prof. B.Palaniappan started the Microsurgical Recanalisation Center for both men and women at Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai. Subsequently, this Center with the grant from United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) and Association of Voluntary Surgical contraception (AVSC), New York became a Center of Excellence in Microsurgery for Recanalisation and also a training center for doctors and paramedical personnel in this technique. At a time when these techniques were available only to the affluent and that too only in very few places in India and abroad, Prof. Palaniappan brought it to the reach of common public and that too free of cost. He is the pioneer in this technique. The availability of this service has helped the family welfare programme in no small measure. This ‘CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE’ became the Regional center for Microsurgical Training for Gynaecologists & Andrologists from southern states including Andaman & Nicobar.

Commitment to Social Causes:

In the 1980s, combination of hormonal preparations were used a pregnancy test. This resulted in babies being born with birth defects including absence of limbs.

Prof. Palaniappan with a zeal and dedication took it upon himself to stop this practice of hormonal preparations being used as pregnancy test and fought against many odds on his own,. Ultimately it resulted in many of the Multi National Companies withdrawing these drugs. Subsequently, Govt. of India also banned these combinations. Hence it is due to his untiring and dedicated efforts, these harmful practices were stopped thereby making pregnancy safer for the mother and the unborn child.

Prof. Dr.B.Palaniappan has contributed a great deal for the reproductive and child health and family welfare activities, making pregnancy safer for the millions of poor women of this Country.

Prof. B.Palaniappan by virtue of several pioneering efforts during his vast Professional career came to be accepted as the ‘Role Model’ for thousands of medical postgraduates. Those who were trained or taught by him are now practicing the maternal and childhealth with compassion. He always chose cost effective methods of treatment suitable for developing country like ours.

At the age of 75 he continues as Professor Emiritus Dr. M.G.R.Medical University , Chennai offering his consultancy to many National Programmes on safe motherhood, women empowerment, child health, occupational hazards etc., By virtue of his professional Excellence and participation in the academic activities in India and abroad he has brought laurels to his country.

[edit] Curriculum Vitae

Qualifications  : M.B.B.S., D.G.O., M.S., FAMS, FICOG, FIMSA, FRCS

FAMS : Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences.
FICOG: Fellow of the Indian College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
FIMSA: Fellow of the International Medical Sciences Academy.
FRCS : Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (Glasgow).

Last Position Held:
Prof & Head, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dean-in-charge, Kilpauk Medical College & Hospital
Kilpauk, Chennai 600 010.

Other Positions Held:

Director, Center of Excellence in Microsurgery and
Recanalisation, Kilpauk Medical College
Chennai, 600 010

Professor Emeritus (Ob. Gyn.)
Kilpauk Medical College, Kilpauk
Chennai, 600 010

Project Director, Human Reproduction Research Center
Kilpauk Medical College
Kilpauk, Chennai, 600 010

Present Position: Professor Emeritus
Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R.Medical University, Chennai, India

United Nations ESCAP Fellow-1975-Culdoscopy and Laparoscopy – Singapore.

Teaching Experience:
25 years in various Medical Colleges and
Post Graduate Institutions since 1963
Prof.of Ob. Gyn. 1974 – 1988.

Post Graduate Examiner Of Various Universities:
University of Madras, Madurai, Mysore, Osmania, Warangal, Calcutta, Cuttack PGI Chandigarh and National Board.

Membership of National & International Scientific Association:
President (1992) Federation of Obstetrics and
Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI)
President National Association for Voluntary Sterilization and Family Welfare of India (NAVASFWI) 1988.
Chairman, Family Welfare Committee, FOGSI.
Zonal Chairman, Indian College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Zonal Chairman. Indian Society of Perinatology and Reproductive Biology.
Chairman, Scientific Session, Fifth International Symposium of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Tokyo, 1979.
Chairman, Microsurgical Tubal Reconstruction – 9th World Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, West Berlin – 1985.
Panel Member, Asia Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AOFOG) Calcutta – 1983.
Chairman, AOFOG Congress, Chennai 1989.
Participant at Asian Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bangkak-1987.
Member Technical Experts Committee on standards of Sterilization (Family Planning) Seoul.
Chairman, National Congress of Perinatology, Chennai – 1990.
Chairman, Scientific Session, XIII World Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Singapore – 1991.

Deputed for Inspection of various Medical Institutions in India for approval and recognition for starting P.G. Course in Obstetrics and Gynecology, National Board of Medical Examinations, New Delhi.

A consultant and task force member for Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi.

Meetings Organized:
• Conducted AOFOG workshop on Reproductive & Child Health at Chennai, 1989.
• Organized two back-to-back AOFOG for seminar at Nagercoil & Salem 1992.
• Organizing chairman 7th World Congress & 15th Indian Congress on Reproductive & Child Health, Chennai (2004)

Major Orations Delivered:
• Orations during FOGSI Presidentship (1992) Surat (Gujarat) Asansol (WB)
• Dr. Kedarnath Das Oration, Calcutta 14th All Kerala Congress Oration at Thrisoor, Kerala.
• Dr. M.K.Krishna Menon Oration, OGSSI Oration at Chennai at Hubli, Dharwar.
• Organizing Chairman Shan Ratnam Oration (Indo Singapore Congress) Chennai (2003)

More than 75 Scientific Papers in National and International Journals.

Author, Text Book of Obstetrics (Clinical Obstetrics)
Author, Text Book for Nurses and Midwives (Tamil)
Author, Manual of Laparoscopic Sterilization.
Contributed chapters in the Text Book of Obst. &Gyn. for Postgraduates.

Laproscopic Sterilization published by Government of Tamil Nadu:
Director – Human Reproduction Research Center, I.C.M.R. involving

1. Fertility Control, Maternal and Child Health Services.
2. Project Director – Recanalisation Services cum Training Center, Southern Region for 1987.
3. Expert – Technical Consultant for Hormonal Pregnancy Tests, Oral Contraceptives Study Group.
4. Member of Evaluation Committee Standardization of Laparoscopic rings and bands for Sterilization.
5. Member Editorial Board of Indian Journal of Ob & Gyn.

Procured Funds for Research from National & International Organizations Established Research Center funded by ICMR.

Established a Center of Excellence for Microsurgery and Recanalisation for the Southern Region at Kilpauk Medical College with financial assistance by United Nations Fund for population activities (UNFPA) and Association of Voluntary Surgical Contraception (AVSC) New York, with Govt. of India and Govt. of Tamil Nadu. Project cost approximately Rs.1 crore.

Major Contributions to Society and Profession:

• Established a center of excellence in Micro Surgical Reconstruction for Tubectomised and Vasectomised couple requesting reversal at Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai.
• Carried out research work concerning the indiscriminate use of hormones during pregnancy which created huge awareness among the medical profession and some of the preparations were associated with congenital malformations in the babies which lead to the withdrawal from market by MNCs. This work resulted in the Govt. of India banning certain harmful drugs.
• Authored books that are now prescribed as the standard Text Books for Medical Students and Nurse Midwives.
• Member of the Board of Examiners of different Universities including the National Board, New Delhi.
• Participated in the Medical Education Programmes of various Universities in India.
• A popular Teacher in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Welfare in various Medical Colleges.

[edit] Bridging Tamil and Medicine

A notable work by Dr. B. Palaniappan on the significance of knowing about certain important diseases presented in simple Tamil language to benefit the majority of the Tamil population who may not have access to such medical information in a form that they can easily understand to develop a general disease awareness that may be very important for early detection for finding a cure.