B'nai Yosef Synagogue

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The B'nai Yosef Synagogue is an Orthodox Sephardi synagogue at the corner of Ocean Parkway and Avenue P in Brooklyn, New York.

Built in the early 1970s, it is commonly known as The Painted Shul, because its 13,000-square-foot interior is covered in brightly painted murals, making it the only completely muraled synagogue in the world. The synagogue is also unique in that it was built and is funded by an anonymous individual; thus members are not required to pay any dues. [1]


[edit] The congregation

The congregation is made up of Sephardi Jews, mostly from North Africa and Syria, and is strict in its observance, with most males having had a yeshiva education. [1]

Similar to the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the congregation is known around the community to have the most amount of minyans throughout the day; ranging from the Vatikin minyan, at sunrise, to the latest minyan at 10 pm.

[edit] Murals

Every inch of wall space, including the prayer hall, is covered with murals painted by Archie Rand, professor of art at Brooklyn College, fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation, and a Laureate of the National Foundation for Jewish Culture. [1] Rand's involvement in painting the synagogue began when, unable to pay the tuition fees at his daughter's school, he painted three murals for the school in exchange for a year's tuition. The school loved the murals and Rand was approached to paint the interior of the new B'nai Yosef synagogue.

Rand had only a basic Hebrew school education, and had to engage in intensive study one-on-one with yeshiva students, including at the Lakewood yeshiva in Lakewood, New Jersey, [1] in order to learn about the symbolism that would be most meaningful to the congregation.

The work was controversial at first, with a group of community rabbis accusing Rand of idolatry. Rabbi Lopian, a local supporter of the murals, took the dispute to Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, who was regarded at the time as the de facto supreme rabbinic authority in North America for Orthodox Jewry. Feinstein declared that "the work is kosher and the spirit under which the work was done is commendable," [1] and so Rand was able to complete his project. The murals have since become much loved within the community, and the former Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel, Rav Ovadia Yosef, has been a frequent visitor. [2]

The murals include an illustration of the bronze menorah by Benno Elkan that stands outside the Knesset in Jerusalem, and representations of the first days of Creation, with the first ten things created before the first Sabbath represented by images that include a donkey's head, Noah's rainbow, and Miriam's well. [1] At the back of the prayer hall, there is a blue-circle mandala containing the meditation: "My Lord, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your Praise." [3]

The women's section upstairs contains images of Jewish holidays, such as Rosh Hashanah and Passover, and a depiction of Rachel's Tomb. [3]

A documentary entitled, "The Painted Shul," was made about the murals and Archie Rand's experience by filmmaker Amala Lane and produced by Marji Greenhut in 2003 with minor changes made more recently in 2006. Featuring extensive footage of the stunning and wildy varied painting styles, viewers get a glimpse of one of the world's few 'painted shuls.' The tradition of religious painting in synagogues is centuries old, but such murals can only be found in ruins or modest replicas. B'nai Yosef is an actively used synagogue and the murals which were painted in the early 1970's look vibrant and new today.

[edit] Synagogue Leadership

  • Haim Benoliel, Rabbi
  • Eddie Sitt, President
  • Gabriel A. Shrem (1916-1986), Cantor
  • Florence Shrem Zeitouni, Office

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ a b c d e f McBee, Richard. "The Painted Shul: Archie Rand and the B'nai Yosef Murals Part 1", The Jewish Press, April 8, 2002.
  2. ^ McBee, Richard. "The Painted Shul: Archie Rand and the B'nai Yosef Murals Part 3", The Jewish Press, April 22, 2002.
  3. ^ a b McBee, Richard. "The Painted Shul: Archie Rand and the B'nai Yosef Murals Part 2", The Jewish Press, April 16, 2002.

[edit] References

[edit] External links