Bété languages

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The Bété languages are spoken in south-eastern Côte d'Ivoire. There are many dialects but they can be grouped as follows

  • Western
    • Bété of Gagnoa
    • Kouya
  • Eastern
    • Bété of Guiberoua
    • Bété of Daloa
    • Godié

They belong to the Kru language family.

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Zogbo, Raymond Gnoléba Parlons bété: Une langue de Côte d'Ivoire (L'Harmattan) 2004
  • Lowe, Ivan, Edwin Arthur, and Philip Saunders. 2003. "Eventirity in Kouya." In Mary Ruth Wise, Thomas N. Headland and Ruth M. Brend (eds.), Language and life: essays in memory of Kenneth L. Pike , 429-448. SIL International and The University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics, 139. Dallas: SIL International and University of Texas at Arlington.
  • Saunders, Philip and Eddie Arthur. 1996. Lexique sokuya, sokuya - français, français - sokuya. Abidjan/Vavoua: Projet Linguistique Sokuya. iv, 80 p.
  • Sɔkɔwɛlɩɩ ʼwʋzɛlɩ -sɛbhɛ (Syllabaire sokuya). 1995. Abidjan: Société Internationale de Linguistique.
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