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County Békés
Area 127.23 km²
  • 21,657
  • 170 /km²
Postal code 5630
Area code 66
Location of Békés county in Hungary
Location of Békés county in Hungary

Békés [ˈbeːkeːʃ] (Slovak: Békéš, Romanian: Bichiş) is a town in Békés county, Hungary. It lies about 10 km north of Békéscsaba and 190 km east of Budapest.


[edit] History

Békés from above
Békés from above

The area of the present town has been inhabited since ancient times, due to its good soil and proximity to rivers. After Hungarians conquered the area, Békés and its surroundings were the property of the Csolt clan. Békés (the name means "peaceful") was originally the name of the castle which gave its name to the comitatus, and, like many castles, was possibly named after its first steward. Many documents from the 1200s prove that Békés was the county seat.

After 1403, when the area became the estate of the Maróthi family, Békés slowly lost its importance and the role of the centre of the comitatus was gradually taken over by Gyula.

In 1566 the castle of Gyula was occupied by the Ottoman army, and Békés fell under Ottoman rule too. The Ottomans built a motte castle in the town, but it was destroyed in 1595 when the Ottomans had to defend Gyula against the Hungarians who tried to get it back. The area became deserted. It was only exactly 100 years later, in 1695 that Békés was freed from Ottoman rule.

During the freedom fight led by Prince Francis II Rákóczi in the early 1700s the area of Békés was deserted again, for the last time. In 1720 John George Harruckern bought the whole country. He gave privileges to the serfs of the area, and gradually the population grew.

By the end of the 18th century the town already had its present five districts and the Protestant, Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches. The annual floods of the Körös river meant a significant problem until the 1850s when the river was controlled.

In 1872 Békés was re-classified as a village. It was not until a hundred years later that it got its town status back.

Around the turn of the century Békés was rapidly developing and several new buildings were built. During the World Wars there were no significant battles in the area. Békés was freed from the Nazis on October 6, 1944. After the war industrialization quickened. On April 15, 1973 Békés was granted town status.

Romanians constitute 5% of the population.

[edit] Tourist sights

  • Széchenyi square (main square) with several historical buildings
    Aerial photography: Békés-Temple
    Aerial photography: Békés-Temple
  • City hall
  • Protestant church (Zopf style)
  • Roman Catholic church (1795)
  • Greek orthodox Church (one of the northernmost ones)
  • School museum
  • Several bridges on the backwaters of the regulated Körös river; Békés is called the "city of bridges" because of them

[edit] Twin town

[edit] External links

  • Official site (Hungarian only; English and German versions are under construction)

Coordinates: 46°46′N 21°08′E

County of Békés
Békés Topics | History | Geography | Government | Politics | Economy | People from Békés
County seat Békéscsaba
Cities and towns Battonya | Békés | Csorvás | Dévaványa | Elek | Füzesgyarmat | Gyomaendrőd | Gyula | Mezőberény | Mezőhegyes | Mezőkovácsháza | Orosháza | Sarkad | Szarvas | Szeghalom | Tótkomlós | Vésztő
Villages Almáskamarás | Békéssámson | Békésszentandrás | Bélmegyer | Biharugra | Bucsa | Csabacsüd | Csabaszabadi | Csanádapáca | Csárdaszállás | Doboz | Dombegyház | Dombiratos | Ecsegfalva | Gádoros | Gerendás | Geszt | Hunya | Kamut | Kardos | Kardoskút | Kaszaper | Kétegyháza | Kertészsziget | Kétsoprony | Kevernes | Kisdombegyház | Kondoros | Körösladány | Körösnagyharsány | Köröstarcsa | Körösújfalu | Kötegyán | Kunágota | Lökösháza | Magyarbánhegyes | Magyardombegyház | Medgyesbodzás | Medgyesegyháza | Méhkerék | Mezőgyán | Murony | Nagybánhegyes | Nagykamarás | Nagyszénás | Okány | Örménykút | Pusztaföldvár | Pusztaottlaka | Sarkadkeresztúr | Szabadkígyós | Tarhos | Telekgerendás | Újkígyós | Újszalonta | Végegyháza | Zsadány
