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Closeup of one of USCGC Mackinaw's azipods
Closeup of one of USCGC Mackinaw's azipods
Contra Rotating Propeller CRP Azipods used in ShinNihonkai ferries

Azipod is the registered brand name of the Asea Brown Boveri company for their azimuth thruster. These are marine propulsion units consisting of electrically driven propellers mounted on a steerable pod.

The pod's propeller usually faces forward, as in this puller (or tractor) configuration, the propeller is more efficient. In addition, because it can rotate around its mount axis, the pod can apply its thrust force in any direction. Azimuth thrusters allow ships to be more maneuverable and enable them to travel backward as easily as they can travel forward.

The new CRP (Contra Rotating Propellers) Azipod places a counter rotating azipod propeller behind a fixed propeller achieving improved fuel economy.

A similar but competing product is the Rolls-Royce MerMaid azimuth thruster. [1]


[edit] Ships with Azipod thrusters

[edit] Cruise ships

[edit] Cargo Vessels

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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