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The axino is a hypothetical elementary particle predicted by some theories of particle physics. Peccei-Quinn theory attempts to explain the observed phenomenon known as the strong CP problem by introducing a hypothetical real scalar particle called the axion. Adding supersymmetry to the model predicts the existence of a fermionic superpartner for the axion, the axino and a bosonic superpartner the saxion. They are all bundled up in a chiral superfield.

The axino has been predicted to be the lightest supersymmetric particle in such a model.[1] In part due to this property, it is considered a candidate for the composition of dark matter.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Abe, Nobutaka, Takeo Moroi and Masahiro Yamaguchi (Jan 2002). "Anomaly-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking with Axion". Journal of High Energy Physics (2002). 
  2. ^ Hooper, Dan and Lian-Tao Wang (2004-09-03). "Possible evidence for axino dark matter in the galactic bulge". Physical Review D (70).