
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Everything is hilarious when viewed from the proper perspective.
  • The United States was founded on human rights. Patriotism is refusing to let those rights be removed, for any reason, and any excuse.
  • If you don't agree with me, your a terrorist.
  • There are four kinds of womans in the world: Dreamy types, the kind that can't keep their head on their shoulders, creative people. I'm too pessimistic for them. Then, you got the adventurous types, you feel me? Take any chances for a new experience, bungee jumpers, the kind of people who get on Fear Factor with bikinis. I'm far too grounded for em, I'm a nerd! Then, there are the power people. Leaders, strong POV pushers, and some golddigging and such. I either have massive POV conflicts with them, or my ...pale blue-collar job turns them off. And, finally, you got geeks. Hot geeks, but geeks who are usually taken by other geeks or would rather have a geeky friend than a geeky husband. It sucks.
  • Why is it that the smallest tax hike costs me fifty dollars, but a massive tax break nets me fifty cents?
  • Schandefrude is the most basic human need, and quite possibly the easiest to satate with the idiots who bumble about in this day and age.
  • Why do we elect people who are bought off with a wink, a rub, and a green piece of paper?
  • Clinton bangs some cheap ass, and we try to impeach him. Bush gets a couple hundred thousand killed while jerking it, and we call him a hero.
  • How is it that the one part of Alaska that is a animal sanctuary is the one that has upwards of 10 times as much oil beneath it in comparison to the land north of it, the land south of it, the land east of it, and the land west of it?
  • Religion = Fiction Writers + (Rudderless Masses + Depressed Politicians + Suicidal Rich People) - Logic + Cronyism.