Aviv String Quartet

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The Aviv String Quartet was founded in Israel in 1997, and performs internationally. Among the quartet's various awards is the DaimlerChrysler Grand Prize at the 3rd Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition [1]


Less than a year after its establishment, the Aviv Quartet won second prize in the International String Quartet Competition at the Prague Spring Festival in May 1998. Following this achievement, the Aviv Quartet has won several important international prizes: first prize the Amadeus Quartet Prize at the Charles Hennen International Competition in Heerlen, Netherlands in April 1999, and the Grand Prix at the Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition in July of the same year. In February 2003, the Aviv Quartet won second prize and a special prize for Schubert interpretation at the Graz Schubert Competition, and in July 2003, it shared top prize at the Bordeaux International String Quartet competition and was awarded the prestigious Music Critics' prize.

The quartet is also the recipient of a German Ministry of Education Prize and a special award of the Israel Ministry of Education. During 2003, the Aviv Quartet was awarded the M. Landau / Israeli Lottery prize for special achievements.

Since July 1998, it has performed annually as the resident quartet at the Upper Galilee Chamber Music Festival at Kfar Blum, and all major venues throughout Israel. Since 1999 has performed regularly at international venues such as Wigmore Hall in London, Auditorium du Louvre, Théâtre de Ville and Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris, Carnegie Hall in New York, Library of Congress and Kennedy Center in DC, as well as the Wiener Konzerthaus, Beethovenhaus Bonn and Zürich Tonhalle. It has also performs at major festivals such as Dubrovnik, Nantes, Perigord, Gotland (Sweden), the Luberon String Quartet Festival and the Israel Festival, and others.

They have toured the Far East, North and South America, South Africa, Australia and at most major musical centers in Europe.

In 1998, the Aviv Quartet participated in the Amadeus Quartet summer course at the Royal Academy of Music in London, and in June that year was the Israeli representative at the Encounters chamber music course in Jerusalem under the direction of Isaac Stern and with the participation of members of the Emerson and Juilliard Quartets. In addition, the Aviv Quartet participated in master classes given by Ivri Gitlis, Levon Chilingirian, Henry Meyer, Arnold Steinhardt, and Miriam Fried. Between 1998 and 2000, the Aviv Quartet studied with the members of the Alban Berg Quartet in Köln, and with Ben-Zion Shamir in Rotterdam. Later, the quartet participated in the activities of ProQuartet, performing in concerts and in master classes with Walter Levin, Valentin Erben and Valentin Berlinsky, and with members of the Ysaÿe Quartet in Paris.

The Aviv Quartet has recorded three quartets, Op.14 by Franz Anton Hoffmeister for Naxos and quartets 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13 by Dmitri Shostakovich for Dalia Classics.

Sergey Ostrovsky, Evgenia Epshtein and Shuli Waterman have been recipients of scholarships from the America-Israel Cultural Foundation, and Rachel Mercer has been supported by the Canada Council of the Arts.

  • Violin I: Sergey Ostrovsky
  • Violin II: Evgenia Epshtein
  • Viola: Shuli Waterman
  • Cello: Rachel Mercer
  • Represented by: ArtPro Artists Management [2] >
  • General Manager: Uri Zur - UriZur@ArtPro.co.il

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