User talk:Avhelverson
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[[University Heights Secondary School]]
Hello from the help of a person named Ron Hoppe, here is some back ground info on what we know of and can find on the once high school called University Heights Secondary School.
In Region Municipality of Waterloo and in 1968 open it's 2nd high school called Laurel Vocational School, The school was named after The 725-acre (3 kmĀ²) Laurel Creek Conservation Area. Laurel Vocational School (Laurel, nick name ) was providing vocational education and also sometimes referred to as a trade school, and this school was operated for the express purpose of giving its students the skills needed to perform a certain job or jobs. The School within that time did not move further into education to the sense of liberal arts, but rather to teach primarily or only job-specific skills.
The Location of Laurel Vocational School is on 108 University Avenue East, in the city of Waterloo. The schools property it's self is on a 11,500 square metres (123,000 square feet) of space on five hectares of land (12 acres),
In 1987 Laurel Vocational School changed it's name to "University Heights Secondary School" (U.H.S.S) in hopes to perceive more education at competitively high standards with in the Waterloo School Board.
In 1995
University Heights Secondary School became an Open Door school for Adult and Continuing Education (ACE),in the Waterloo Region District School Board, wich provided high school credit courses at Summer School and Night School as well as other non-credit programs. Renamed The "University Heights Learning Center" or OD/UHSS (Open Door /University Heights Secondary School)
In 2004 (June 7th)
The University Heights Learning Center clouse it's doors due to. ( more info is needed)
In 2006 on Jan. 10th Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning buys University Heights Secondary School, the College hops that this will substantially boost its apprenticeship programs to meet industry shortages. Overall in the hopes that Conestoga College can meet the demand for skills training that has grown by 70 per cent in apprenticeship enrolment in the last five years. The skilled trades is suffering from a shortage of skilled trades people, said John Tibbits, president of Conestoga College
OVERALL I think that we got everything, thank you for your time Avhelverson 07:32, 4 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] The Imaginary Theatre Association
The Imaginary Theatre Association is an Independent role playing Association apart from all in house corporate groups. The Imaginary Theatre Association is mostly involved with other role-playing campaigns, and other Role playing platforms forms of the like. By in large, the ITA have collaborated with other independent role playing campaigns mostly based in Ontario, the ITA is linked by on line message forums, and players can travel with their characters in other ITA gaming campaigns and aswell as other events that the ITA are apart of .
Aside to just hosting Role playing game campaigns, The ITA have take part in running main events at conventions like Anime North, Fan Expo, and Peterborough's PHANTASM. As well the ITA have made on line video production shorts called "Game Trailers" hosted on YouTube [[1]] and Live Video , and as well they a have helped with non-profit groups - Anime North, in 2005 and 2006
Their off sight web page can be found at or at
More on The Imaginary Theatre Association and Wikipedia can be found at with a wikipedia usre called :RCEHOPPE at
Avhelverson 16:03, 31 January 2007 (UTC)