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Amphitheatre of Aventicum.
Amphitheatre of Aventicum.
Theatre of Aventicum.
Theatre of Aventicum.

Aventicum was the largest town and capital of Roman Switzerland (Civitas Helvetiorum). Its remains are beside the modern town of Avenches.

The city was probably created ex nihilo in the early 1st century AD, as the capital of the recently conquered territory of the Helvetii, across the road that connected Italy to Britain, built under Claudius. Under the rule of Emperor Vespasian, who grew up there, Aventicum was raised to the status of a colony in 72 AD, whereupon it entered its golden age. The town wall was 5.6 km (3.48 miles) long.

In the Christian era Aventicum was the seat of a bishopric. The most famous of its bishops was Marius Aventicensis, whose terse chronicle, spanning the years 455 to 581, is one of the few sources for the 6th-century Burgundians. Shortly after the Council of Macon, 585, Marius removed the see from Aventicum, which was rapidly declining, to Lausanne.

[edit] Remains

  • The amphitheatre had seats for 16,000 spectators in its final construction.
  • Theatre
  • The Temple of the Grange-des-Dîmes (2nd century AD)
  • "Capitol Hill"
  • Baths

Flag of Switzerland Archaeological Sites in Switzerland Flag of Switzerland

Augusta Raurica · Aventicum · Noviodunum · La Tène · Lousonna · Octodure · Vallis poenina · Vitudurum

[edit] External links


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