
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user lives in Maine.
This user is a newpage patroller.
SD This user is a contributor to Slashdot.
f This user maintains a facebook profile.
INTP This user has an INTP personality
per the Myers-Briggs typing system
ADHD This user has ADHD.
Perl-3 This user is an advanced Perl programmer.
Java-2 This user is an intermediate Java programmer.
re This user writes regular expressions to find everything around the house.

This user has set foot in 5 countries of the world.
vn-1 This userpage has been vandalized 1 time.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
1337-2 7h15 u53r 15 48l3 70 (0n7r18u+3
\/\/i7h 4|\| 1|\73rm3d14+3 l3\/3l 0f 1337.
Search user languages

I'm Jeff. currently, I try to focus on writing articles local to where I live, and errors that appear glaringly obvious to me. I intend to specifically work on supplementing articles with topical photography. I'm keeping an eye on recent changes and new pages, and focusing on trying to help the consistency level of the site.


[edit] Friendly Users

  • Computerman45 Run into each other a few times on vandal patrol.
  • A.0u Both "victims" of Private10 for our response to his vandalism. Awarded A.0u with a barnstar.

[edit] Pet Pages

[edit] Long-term

[edit] Transient

[edit] Controversies

[edit] Current Discussions

These are posted here mostly for me to watch