Autonomy Progress Federalism Aosta Valley
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Autonomy Progress Federalism Aosta Valley (Vallée d'Aoste Autonomie Progrès Fédéralisme, APF) was an electoral list for the 2006 general election, active in Aosta Valley.
It was formed of three regionalist parties: Valdotanian Union, Edelweiss Aosta Valley and Autonomist Federation. The alliance was soundly defeated by the centre-left list Autonomy Liberty Democracy (ALD) both in the race for the Chamber of Deputies and for the Senate.
For the Chamber Marco Viérin (SA, APF) lost 43.4% to 30.7% to Roberto Rolando Nicco (DS, ALD)[1], while in the Senate race incumbent senator Augusto Rollandin (UV, APF) was defeated 44.2% to 32.0% by Carlo Perrin (RV, ALD)[2].