Automobile model numbering system in USSR and Russia

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A standardized automobile model numbering system has been used in the USSR and Russia. Using the modern version of the system it is possible to determine a vehicle's type and engine capacity. The modern version of the numbering system was introduced in the mid-1970s. A similar system is used in the People's Republic of China.


[edit] Old numbering system

The old numbering system was used from 1950s until the new system replaced it in the mid-1970s.

According to the old system, the vehicle model consisted of the manufacturer's name and up to three digits. Each manufacturer received a range of numbers it used to pick model numbers. The ranges were assigned as follows:

Range Factory Sample Models
1 - 99 GAZ GAZ-14
100 - 199 ZIL ZIL-130
200 - 299 YaAZ, KrAZ KrAZ-258
300 - 399 UralAZ UralAZ-375
400 - 450 MZMA (AZLK) MZMA-412
450 - 499 UAZ UAZ-452, UAZ-469
500 - 599 MAZ, BelAZ MAZ-500, BelAZ-640m
600 - 649 KAZ
650 - 699 buses - PAZ, LiAZ, LAZ
700 - 999 ZAZ, RAF, trailers

[edit] Modern numbering system

The modern numbering system was introduced in the mid-1970s and is still used in Russia, although not strictly adhered to by the manufacturers.

According to this system the full model designation by the manufacturer's name (e.g. VAZ) and a model number (e.g. 2108). The first digit of the model number indicates the vehicle class. For passenger cars the engine capacity is used to determine the class:

First digit Engine Capacity
1 up to 1000 cc
2 1200 cc - 1800 cc
3 1800 cc - 3200 cc
4 more than 3500 cc

For trucks weight is used:

First digit Weight
1 up to 1200 kg
2 1200 kg - 2000 kg
3 2000 kg - 8000 kg
4 8000 kg - 14000 kg
5 14000 kg - 20000 kg
6 20000 kg - 40000 kg
7 more than 40000 kg

For buses length is used:

First digit Length
2 Up to 5 m
3 6 - 7.5 m
4 8 - 9.5 m
5 10.5 - 12 m
6 more than 16 m

Second digit indicates the type of vehicle:

Second digit Type of vehicle
1 passenger car
2 bus
3 truck
4 semi-trailer truck
5 dump truck
6 tank truck
7 van
8 reserved
9 special vehicle

The third and forth digits are used to assign a factory model number. The fifth digit is optional, and is used to specify different versions or modifications of the same model. The sixth digit is used to specify export variants.

[edit] Example

VAZ-21063: A vehicle produced by VAZ, with an engine capacity between 1200 cc and 1800 cc (2), which is a passenger vehicle (1), with factory model code 06 (06) and modification 3 (3).

[edit] Future of the system

Future of the standard is unclear. Some manufacturers keep following it and other do not. For instance, AutoVAZ dropped first digit from numbers proposed by standard and numbered newer Lada Kalina models as 1117, 1118 and 1119.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External link

(Russian) A short description of the system