Autocat (Electronic Discussion List)

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AUTOCAT was one of the earliest library listserves, and one of the longest and most successful such groups.

The list, dedicated to library cataloguing issues, began in October 1990 at the University of Vermont under the ownership of founder Nancy Keane. On 28 April 1993 it moved to the University at Buffalo and Judith Hopkins became listowner. At that time it had 1880 subscribers in 24 countries; today it has 4600 subscribers in 42 countries.

Effective 3 January 2007, the Autocat electronic discussion list moved from the University at Buffalo to Syracuse University. The current list owners are:

  • Daniel CannCasciato (Central Washington University)
  • Judith Hopkins (University at Buffalo, retired)
  • Sarah Theimer (Syracuse University)
  • Marc Truitt (University of Alberta)

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