User:Australian Matt

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Welcome to Matt's user page
on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone lucky enough in this world to have access to a
Ever wondered where I've consumed oxygen in my life?
Lived in for too long:
I should be living in:
To go some day maybe:
Will live in 2007 (yay):
Don't really want to go back:
Idea and layout adapted from User: Punkmorten via User:Coolcat via User:Guettarda via User:Sebastiankessel via User:Guinnog
Wikipedia, like life, would have exasperated Pier Paolo
Wikipedia, like life, would have exasperated Pier Paolo
The way it is

Man, I don't get enough Wikipedia time. Ah well. We move on. We grow. Props to the style of User:Guinnog's page who I've adapted my info into.

One thing I believe in

Free and open source software!!!!!! Go the public domain!!! A big up-yours to the copyright that I have to tolerate everywhere.

The way it should be

I was eating Pocky the other day and came to realise that too many people get angry on Wikipedia. Be happy!

The way I am

I became an Wikipedian ages ago. I can't see Administership arriving in the near future. Movies and parties are more fun.

That's about all there is to it.

The way my best contribs to Wikipedia shape up
  • Put a picture into Fouta - yay!
  • Started The Big Shave -- although it doesn't come up as me cos I didn't sign in :-(
  • Researched stuff for Cattle
  • As I did for Cranbourne
  • Tried to cull most of SKC)
  • Got a sentence into the much vandalised Stingray article!
I'm interested in

The tricks of Matt's mind

Token aspects of me
My languages
en This user is a native speaker of English.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.
zh-cmn-0 This user does not understand Mandarin (or understands it with considerable difficulty).
Search user languages
China Block This User is currently living in China, where Wikipedia is difficult to access.
This user comes from Australia.
This user doesn't believe in the ownership of culture and knowledge.
fan-2 This user thinks that Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen is the worst film ever made.
Eraserhead This user believes that in Heaven, everything is fine.
This male user supports feminism.
This user believes that the death penalty should never be used.*
ABC This user supports Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio, television and online.
This user is a bibliophile.
This user contributes to the Internet Movie Database.
free This user is interested in freethought.
This user is addicted to traveling.

MU This user is a student or graduate of the University of Melbourne.
VCE This user has completed the VCE and obtained an ENTER of 98.10
This user loves deadlines. He or she loves the whooshing sound they make as they go by.
This user sleeps, but not for predictable amounts of time.
This user enjoys sex.
This user does not care about driving.
This user uses public transit.
This user does not appreciate tobacco smoke.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.