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This article is a frequent source of heated debate. Please try to keep a cool head when commenting here.
Warning This page has seen a large amount of flaming and angry comments. Please remember to always be civil in discussions.

Again and again you a showing your ignorance.What do you know about Srilankan problem to talk about it here?.Who said Singalese are lighter than the tamils?. You assumed that they are lighter because they speak an aryan language?. Singalese eventhough they speak a aryan language the generel population is darker than the general population of south India.This is a fact.Go and have a look if you want to.This is another classical exapmle of the people getting darker because of the geographical posoition.Here you can see the so called Aryans are darker than the So called dravidians!!!!.But darker or lighter singalese and tamils look the same. The problem in SL is NOT RACIAL it is just like your hutus and tutsis fighting each other.It is a ETHINICAL violance.It is Minority versus Majority!!!.Even during the civil war lots of tamils pretented as singales and vice versa to escape.They can only identify when they open their mouth.That is when they start talking!!!!.They speak 2 diffent languages thats all!!!!.Did'nt you see my earlier posts???.You are asking again and again why untouchables became darker from lighter.As I am telling for the 100th time that caste syatem was occupation based.may be people who were well off might have been able to choose good looking spouses! and where as the ones who did 'DIRTY' jobs could'nt do so!.You black americans look better than your counterparts in Africa.Why it is that?.You are living in better conditions than your counterparts in africa but both of you belong to the same race.If you want ask me again and agin scroll up the archive one and look into my earlier posts.--Vandh 01:20, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

If you must have this idiotic debate can you do so on a relevant page? Paul B 01:39, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

I am sorry!.I got pissed off with this Bcr who always asks idiotic questions. Can you pls ask him to stop!.I dont know how many ignorant afroctrics I have to encounter in my Life!!!:(.yes I have had enough!!!--Vandh 01:47, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

Brother Bcr I have given enough evidence to show that there is no color/race bias is Indian subcontinent but if you still feel otherwise then it is up to you!!!. Wish you all the best for a bright future.Looking at any person based on a racial term is very wrong thats what I feel at the end of the day.We are all but one race the Human race!!!.Anyway we have 'entertained' people like Paul B!!! --Vandh 03:00, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

You still need to give me evidence from a history book or article where is says that Dalits started out light-skinned and were dark because they were exposed to the sun. By the way, I am not your brother. And I want the evidence not from your mouths but from a book or article. And don't try to talk about Africa to avoid the question. If not, then you guys have officially not influenced me! --Bcr 01:59, 29 February 2007

What are you talking about millions of tamils get murdered. Actually there are only 3 millions and "only" 60000 to 80000 people died in the Sri Lankan ethnic war. Who told you that Singhalese are in generall lighter? Singhalese and Tamils look all the same. Most people wont be able to tell who is Singhalese and who is Tamil, even most Sri Lankans cant. India didnt support the SL Gov. They first even supported the LTTE. But after Rajiv Ghandi was killed they turned down their support. Dont talk BS if u dont know anything about that Issue. Your ignorance is bloody. No one of us ever said that Dalits were once light skinned. They may be a few shades "lighter". But that doesnt mean they were light skinned.Asian2duracell 20:47, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

I thought that I should mention something. Not all conflicts are based on color like in the United States. Actually, all this color classification was started in the United States: Black for Africans, Whites for Anglos, Yellow for Asians (ie.Chinese), Brown for Hispanics, and Red for Native Americans. So, what color are people from Middle East, India, and Sri Lanka. I think that basing things on color, is baseless. Anyways, I do agree that Sinhalese and Tamils colors vary. I have seen both Sinhalese and Tamils in variou shades of Black, Brown, and light Brown. Wiki Raja 01:24, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
There are no people in "shades of Black" nowhere. MiddleEasterners and SouthAsians are usually called Browns. No matter what shade of brown they are.Asian2duracell 12:08, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
You're joking right? Browns? That was a term used during the Chicano movement in California during the 1960s up to now. I have seen people from North and East Africa much lighter in complexion than that of some of the Tamilians or Malayalees. What part of Jaffna are you from? Wiki Raja 16:22, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
Well what shade is "Brown"? White people call themselve brown if they have a tan. But most say its still white. Some Blacks call themselve brown, others say ur black. I have seen some Somalis/Ethiopians who were kinda "light skinned" but still dark for my point of view (or a "tamil" point of view), well at least darker than me, and I'm kinda dark. But there are definitely some SouthIndans who are darker than EastAfricans. But most arent. Thats why we call EastAfricans Black and NorthAfrican Arab. Ur the first one I come across who call EastAfricans lighter skinned than Tamils/Malaiyalees. But on one thing ur right NorthAfricans are lighter skinned than SouthIndians its mostly true, with some exceptions. But u know Tamils/Malaiyalees vary a lot in term of skin colour. Some are nearly as dark as Blacks some are nearly as light as Greeks/Turks. And I never met a person before who called EastAfricans "Browns".
And no we arent talking about America. SouthAsians are Browns in allmost every country. The "Asians" in UK are called Browns. And even in ur America. hmmm I've never said I'm from Jaffna. What has that to do from which part I'm from?Asian2duracell 18:34, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
I'm assuming you must be from Kayts due to the tone of your previous messages. Basically making noise and nonsense. Wiki Raja 21:04, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
U assume a lot right now. No arguments anymore. Kayts??? never heard of that. Everywhere Dravidians try to differentiate them from Blacks, there is a Wiki Raja, haha boi u lost ur authenticity long time ago. Aint u that guy who tried to claim that Me and Vandh were the same and totally failed. U even complained it to an admin.... Haha how sad must ur life be. How I know that?...hmm there is something called "googling names".
Haha U allways come with ur EastAfricans, hahhaha which fuckin Indian cares about EastAfricans..Asian2duracell 23:34, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

Firstly I have always mentioned that not all the untouchables are Darker or all a lighter!.They are lighter and darker just like other people of India.I even gave an example with Dr Ambedkar(an lighter skinned Untouchable) and Srinivas Ramanujam (dark skinned Brhamin).Generally north Indian daliths are lighter than south Indian daliths.They dont look that Good because of the hard contions that they were set to for generatuions!!. Several studies have shown that discrimination is India is not Color based!. pls see

and also pls see why untouchables became untouchables and the conclusion they have derived.see and go to the who is shudra section. These are the evidence that I could give within a short span.Understand that when there are Donkeys and Zebras(same color u'r black and white!!!) there are Horses(Different colors) as well.World is not only America!!.Finally pls dont always think that 'Dark' skin will always gets suppressed by the 'Light' skin.since in some part of the world Whites enslaved the Blacks it doesnt mean every where in the world it has to be like that!. --Vandh 02:51, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

I do agree that the whole world is not America. However, prejudism and discrimination is worldwide. That's how wars get started. Wiki Raja 04:21, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

yes prejudism and discrimination is worldwide.It can be any thing from color,gender,tribe,religion,language,territory etc etc.It is not 'COLOR' always!!!. Survival of the fittest is the norm of the world.whether you like it or not!.The mightier controlled the controlled woman to say so!. Bcr here you go pls read this this is about pre-untouchables written by the great untouchable Dr.Ambedkar.--Vandh 04:59, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

The mightier may control the weak, but when the weak is pushed to the limit, it becomes the other way around. By the way, what is with all the exclamation marks? Are you mad or something? Wiki Raja 05:59, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
Firstly I have always mentioned that not all the untouchables are Darker or all a lighter!.They are lighter and darker just like other people of India.I even gave an example with Dr Ambedkar(an lighter skinned Untouchable) and Srinivas Ramanujam (dark skinned Brhamin).Generally north Indian daliths are lighter than south Indian daliths.They dont look that Good because of the hard contions that they were set to for generatuions!!. Several studies have shown that discrimination is India is not Color based!. pls see

To the anonymous user: what on earth is that supposed to mean? Certain people not looking that good because of the hard conditions that they were set to for generations? So, what you are saying is that people with Black or dark skin are ugly? What in your description would be a good looking person? Whoever thinks like that needs some real psychiatric help. Wiki Raja 21:08, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

Firstly I am not an anonymous user.I have always signed.I can understand you. you main intention is to cause disruption!.You just jumbed between without knowing what was happening and talking irrelevent things!!You are calling me MAD because I simply used an exclmationmark.Now you are calling me psycopath!.What is wrong with you??.I certainly dont want to have ant conversation with you.I dont want to argue with you.I have explained to my maximun to the User Bcr.Finally people like Wikiraja Dont ASSUMEthings of your own.I never said blck is ugly!.Dont intepret it for me.Any person who lives in hard condition wont look that good.whether they are black,brown or yellow or white.Wikiraja pls have some decency in not to interupt(jump in without having any pripor knowledge).I dont know you are dravidian or not(so many pretend to be) but one thing There are idiots in every society.Dont reply me with a lenghthy mail I will never read it.FYI the argument is about whether Indians discriminate people based on color!.Untouchables were made untouchables because they possed Dark skin.This is the argument about.It is very indecent to jump in between without knowing anything.I know you provoke people and always complain them about.--Vandh 21:54, 1 March 2007 (UTC) discriminate people based on colo

Calm down Asian2duracell, oops, I mean Vandh. Wiki Raja 21:58, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
Haha he still try it. Wasnt one IP from Canada and the other from Australia?(I cant remember exactly)HAHAHA. Well I'm in Europe if u want to know. I dont know where Vandh is from. Everything clear WikiMaliki? , ooohh sorry I mean Wiki Raja.Asian2duracell 23:44, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

Another Black in Disguise!.Again you are trying your Provoking technique.HAHHAHAHAHHAH Why dont you try better technique?.--Vandh 22:25, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Inferiority complex

WikiRaja Inferiority complex is not a reason to claim Dravidian heritage. Take Pride in ur Black EastAfrican heritage. Ur degrading all decent Black people trough ur behaviour. Just because ur desperate, doesnt mean we will change our Identity from Indians into Africans. (A meaningless comment should be deleted if WikiRaja read it, by himself :p)Asian2duracell 23:52, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

Ok, Vandh, I mean Asian2duracell. Nothing to really brag about. After all it was the British who gave that name Indian and the Sinhala government who gave the name Sri Lanka. As for inferiority complex, one who goes by color for good or for bad suffers with inferiority complex. If one were to look at all your posts, it shows a lot of defensiveness when it comes to color. Especially black color or anything associated with Africa. Talk about inferiority complex. Your posts also show a lot of racism. I am surprised that you have not been kicked out for that. You tell others not to claim Dravidian heritage if they are not of it. Then you should not claim Indian nationality if you are from there. So, what part of Jaffna are you from? Wiki Raja 03:44, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
Hmm. I never said anything based on skin clour. Never. Arguing that Tamils arent darker than EastAfricans is not colour based racism. Its a fact. And I never said anything bad against Black people or beeing black is something bad. ANd I never discriminated any person because of race or skin colour, or religion. Well I never claimed any nationality. I just claim to be Indian. Even Pakis are "Indians", anyone who has a indian ethnic background is Indian. U dont have to worry about where I'm from. I dont live in the subcontinent, so it doesnt matter anything. Just because u hate Sri Lankans. And I dont suit ur beliefs.
U havnt denied ur EastAfrican heritage....hmmm why?Asian2duracell 12:26, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
You still haven't told me what part of Jaffna you are from. Wiki Raja 20:47, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
What does Jaffna has anyting to do with it? Are you racist toward people from Jaffna or what?. But it isnt only Jaffna where Tamils live in Sri Lanka.Asian2duracell 23:59, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
I am only asking what part of Jaffna you are from. I have high regard for Tamils from Jaffna. Jaffna is the historical cultural Tamil capital. The Tamils of Jaffna I know are a dignified society, unlike your behavior. Also, for some time now, you have been posing as someone from India, which I now consider not true. Therefore, how can anyone believe a thing you say on Wikipedia when you state untrue things about yourself. Wiki Raja
When did I say I'm from India? Or when did I say I'm from Sri Lanka. Never I jsut said I have been there few times. If we talk about the Dravidian Issue, I have to talk about India because in Sri Lanka or any other SouthAsian country it desont really matter. Asian2duracell 19:36, 3 March 2007 (UTC)

It is indeed has become an idiotic conversation.If you both want to argue where both of you are from then get out of wikipedia and argue Out!!!.This is not a place to know if Wikiraja is a black or white or a donkey or a monkey.Or duracel and me are the same.Get out with your idotic converstaion.--Vandh 03:56, 2 March 2007 (UTC)

Ok, Asian2duracell, I mean Vandh. Wiki Raja 04:34, 2 March 2007 (UTC)

India never supported the LTTE. India always supported the racist Sinhalese Government. Even if there isn't much a difference between Tamils and Sinhalese "physically", the Sinhalese Government is still racist towards the Tamils. No Tamil has ever been a president of Sri Lanka. Tamils were not resisting the Sinhalese Government at first. At first, they were peacefully protesting. However, the Sinhalese government kept persecuting the tamils. In the summer of 1983, the Sinhalese Government along with Sinhalese "gangs" murdered 100,000 Tamils. So, as a result, the LTTE got angry and have launched a war ever since then. Sure, the Tamils and Sinhalese certainly have all kinds of complexions. I think I may of exaggerated the physical differences, because Tamils and Sinhalese are very similar, but its just they are different by language and culture. Tamils have never protested for no reason. When the British granted Sri Lanka independance, the Sinhalese were automatically in power and made sinhalese the official language and Buddhism an official religion. Apparently, Tamils speak "tamil" and Tamils are hindus, so the Sinhalese Government was, have been, and will forever be racist. By the way, I said I want evidence from a "book" not a biased article that states that most dalits started out light-skinned and became darker because of exposure to the sun. I'm not saying that all untouchables or dalits are dark, but most are. Some untouchables have been able to rise above and become doctors and lawyers. And nowadays, some people who are light are untouchables too. But most are dark, so they started out like that. Therefore, I want to know the strong evidence for the fact. The articles above are not enough. --Bcr 8:59, March 2 2007

Yes you are right about the Srilankan peoblem in certain ways.But it was Indidra Gandhi the then prime minister of India who gave the full support for the LTTE at the start.Everything is politically motivated at the interest of the Govermentent or the country.It certainly has nothing to do with Color:).Anyway I am an Indian who speaks tamil and I think Asia2duracell and Wikiraja are Srilankan tamils so they may be able to answer you more.About the Untouchables I ceratinly gave you a Valid info not a biased one since it was from an Untouchable who has fought for the untouchable that is by Dr Ambedkar.He has seriously done some research on it.Will provide more later.Again I repeat there are dark skinned Upper caste people too.there are light skinned lowercastes too.This is a fact.Will come back to you soon.--Vandh 06:57, 3 March 2007 (UTC)

Dr Ambedkar what? I looked in those articles that you provdided and I still don't see any evidence for the idea that dalits started out light-skinned and were dark because they were exposed to the hot sun. I want evidence from a "history book." And don't tell me that those articles are valid. I don't see the evidence in them. These articles don't even have any proposed author or source. I want evidence from a "book!" --Bcr 7:33, March 3 2007

The idea that Dalits were light skinned at one time and stayed out in the sun to get dark is a load of nationalistic childish POV. How pathetic. Wiki Raja 04:09, 4 March 2007 (UTC)
Noone ever said Dalits started "light" skinned and became darker. Dont misinterpret things have been said. I said they might had a LIGHTER skin colour, than they have now. But that could be true for any Indian not just Dalits. Lighter doesnt mean lightskinned or even white. The Dalits in NorthIndia are in general slightly lighter than those of SouthIndia. But thats also true for the "Castepeople". Saying Dalits are of a different Race than Caste people, even thug they look the same is much more immature and ridiculous.Asian2duracell 15:23, 4 March 2007 (UTC)

Oh get out of here! You always want to have the last word. Who said that Dalits are a different race from caste people. Everything Vandh Duracell say is nonsense. Look, as I have said, "most", not "all" of the dalits and untouchables have a dark complexion. I'm not implying that their dark complexion means that they are african or of a different race. I'm just saying that most have a dark complexion. They are in the same race with indians "offcourse", but its just that they happen to mostly have a darker complexion....THAT's ALL. Some are light-skinned, but most have a dark complexion. Africans and blacks have all kinds of complexions, but that does not mean that Beyonce isn't black. I'm not saying that Dalits or untouchables are not INDIAN. I'm saying that most of them happen to have a different complexion that is darker, and since most most are dark anyway, the caste system is discrimination. --Bcr 12:33, March 4 2007

Who said that Dalits are a different race from caste people.....u claimed Untouchable and Tribals to be of african origin (recently though). Whats ur point? most Indians also have a dark complexion. Not just Dalits.
At one time u say something, days later u claim something completly different, what happened?Asian2duracell 21:00, 4 March 2007 (UTC)

I said that "most" untouchables and dalits are of african origin because they are close "descendants" from Africa. This does not mean that I said they are african directly, I just think that they are black because they share a similar skin color with people in Africa. However, you and Vandh kept twisting the fact around as if I am saying that they are african in order to avoid the truth. I said that in my opinion, I define color by skin complexion, not by racial origin. When I said that most dalits are black, I said that this was due to their skin complexion. I never said they were black because they are african. I just see them as black because of skin complexion. You guys happen to believe that black means african, but I don't. I think that anybody could be black depending on how dark they are. The Aborigines of Australia are black. Does that mean that they are african. No! They just happen to have a skin complexion "similar" to africans, because they are "descended" from them. Otherwise, how would they have the dark complexion? By hot sun for a few thousand years? No! Obviously, dravidians, including dalits and untouchables would be of african origin because most have a dark complexion. Having an origin does not mean you are directly what the origin is. The white americans are of European origin. Does that mean that they are European? No. They just happen to be descendants of Europeans so they are white just like them. You guys need to read some books! As it says in nearly every history book relating to the origin of human beings, the first human beings came from Africa and migrated to other regions of the world. By migrating to other regions, they stopped in certain places in Asia such as India and Australia. Others took longer trips and migrated to Europe and the America. The people in Asia who have darker skin colors such as the Aborigines or some Dravidians are obviously more closely related to the early humans from Africa than Europeans. That's why they have skin color more closely related or "similar" to Africans! Come on, you know what I am talking about! Stop trying to bite every statement I make and turn it into nonsense. You said that Dravidians are mediterranean caucasiod so why would I care what you think I said anyway, you're probably in 1st grade. You are right, I did say that dravidians who were the early people of India including untouchables and tribals were of African origin, meaning that they are "descendants" of them. I wasn't saying that they are "directly" African. You talk as if I said that all Dravidians moved to India from Africa last year, but it was 5,000 years ago. So over time, the Dravidians would change, but they still originate or descend from Africa. Don't you know what origin means. --Bcr 7:53, March 4 2007

This is the last time I will explain what I mean about the black issue. I already said that I base my own opinion on color on skin complexion. You guys keep trying to contradict everything I say and turn it into something it isn't. I said that since some Dravidians have a dark complexion, than they ought to be descended from Africans. I didn't say they are African directly. You guys make this foolish argument that Indians have always been the same and that the darker skinned dalits inherited dark skin. That's rediculous. The truth is that the early people of India were dark-skinned dravidians that were direct descendants from Africa. If they were'nt descedants from Africa, then how would they have a dark complexion? Then, the lighter-skinned Ayrans invaded in 1500 B.C. and subjected some of the Dravidians. Some dravidians resisted and became tribals. Others fled south to southern India, while others were forced into the bottom of the caste system as untouchables. That is the truth kids. I still want evidence from a historical book that says that Dalits started out light-skinned and became darker because they were exposed to the hot sun. You guys still haven't given any evidence for that and you 2 have not proven anything or made any sense. I am right after all! --Bcr 7:53, March 4 2007

Are u frickin serious? Every fuckin human has his origin in Africa. Not just Dravidians... The whitest White man is of African origin. Yes American Whites are European, racially. Europe is as much apart as India is. Dont talk Bullshit. People moved to the MiddleEast than to CentralAsia, and then to India respectively to Europe. Answer one question, how did white people get white? when their ancestor were dark? What are you talking about Drvidians came to India 500,000 years ago???? Dravidians came 6000-3500 B.C not earlier. Dravidians are not the original people of India get it. I'm Dravidian and even I recognize that, so whats ur problem. The Munda people are the Natives to India. I never said Dravidians were light skinned. Never. Go read about the Dravidians on the Dravidian article. Aryans are not white, get it. Its the second fact u dont understand. "Aryans" are brown. I dont fuckin care how u define people.Noone really cares about ur ridiculous definition. But most people define people by their culture and Race. Not skin colour. I dont want to destroy ur dreams but, Dravidians are least related to Africans. Most to East-, an WestAsians. u can read that on the Dravidian page aswell. Do u think I take time to invent everything. Stop saying again and again Dravidians are of African origin. Every fuckin human on this planet is. Do you think we dont know that.Asian2duracell 19:04, 5 March 2007 (UTC) that.

Mind your language. Wiki Raja 00:00, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

I know every human originates on Earth duracell, that's what I already talked about. White people got white, because when some of the earliest humans left Africa and went to Europe, they ended up in climates colder than Africa. As a result, they developed lighter skin, because cold weather causes lighter skin, while hotter weather causes darker skin. Nobody is least related to Africans. East and West Asians and Dravidians and Europeons all come from Africa so you don't make anysense. I never said Ayrans were white, I said they were light-skinned, get it. You talk as if I don't know that all humans come from Africa. Offcourse I do. That's what I have been saying the whole time. Its just that due to some skin patterns, some people are more closely related Africans than others. As it turns out, the Munda have a dark complexion. And since they were the original people of India who were dark-skinned, then they must of been closely related to Africans. If you say that Dravidians come from Western Iran, then where do you say the Western Iranians come from? Its Africa! So it does not make a difference, because like you said, all humans come from Africa anyway. And the more you cuss, the more that you prove that I am right. Like I said, you must be in 1st grade or something. Besides, I still need evidence from a book or something that states that Dalits started out light-skinned and became dark because they were forced to work under the hot sun: YOU made this statement on the last page so don't twist things around. You seem to forget that Ayrans invaded 1500 B.C. So whether the Munda or the Dravidians were in India first, all I know is that the first people of India were dark-skinned people that built India's earliest kingdoms. This can include the Munda and the Dravidians, because even if the Dravidians came in 6000-3500 B.C., that's still before the Aryans who invaded in 1500 B.C. And the truth about the occupation under the Ayrans does not change either, because the Ayrans subjected the original dark-skinned people who were among the Dravidians and the Munda at the time, and still put them at the bottom of the caste system. If you say Dravidians arrived in India 6000-3500 B.C., then you prove me right that they were in India before the Ayrans arrived in 1500 B.C. and that somehow they were subjected by the Ayrans. This would also include the Munda also subjected by the Ayrans. So the Dravidians together with the Munda faced the same apocalypse at the hands of the Ayrans since the Ayrans invaded them both in 1500 B.C. And the truth is the same, some dravidians were pushed south. The Munda were dispered as far as Bangladesh, while others among the Munda and the Dravidians were thrown at the bottom of the caste system by the invading Ayrans. So you are proving me more and more right. And since you can't find evidence that the dalits started out light-skinned and became dark because of exposure to the sun, that I am also right because as it turns out, the Dalits were among the dark-skinned Munda and Dravidians who were subjected by the Ayrans. I still am right. Its just that I never heard of the Munda when I read a book on the history of India, but you prove me right anyway. Forgot about the 500,000. That might of been a gross exaggeration, but I am overall right in the sense that they were dark-skinned people among the Munda and the Dravidians, who were in India before the Light-skinned Ayrans invaded and subjected them in 1500 B.C. --Bcr 7:53, March 5 2007

Relating someone based on the skin pattern in Hillarious!. I am medium brown complexion and my dad is olive is complexion so do you mean to say that I am more related to You than to my Dad?.So the chinese are more related to the Whites if that is the case.What about other phenotypes like the facial features,Skull,hair texture,body types?. I am sick of explaining to you guys over and over again. FYI the so called Aryan and the so called Dravidian look the same except some color variation!.There is no pure Aryan nor pure dravidian in India.To talk about the History part I have to write pages and I dont think it is requires here in an Australoid talk page.I certainly dont want to waste my time since you will sing the same song again and again.FYI Aryan Invasion theory is disputed.Till date there is no proper conclusion.There is all the possiblities for the Indus valley civilisation was abondened due to natural calamities.There is noted preseance of the so called Dravidians in The South of India (Karnataka,kerala,Andhrapradesh,Tamilnadu) even long before the so called Aryan Invasion.There was heavy intermixing with who ever people were there at that time. wheter aryan,dravidian,Munda,mer-khmer(mogoloids)& Australoid.Some of the tribes(Adivasis) may still be able retain their original self but most Indians are a mixed lot.This did'nt happen few centurries but has happed Several thousands of years.Intermixing would have happended eversince Man was in central asia.Skin complexion is a very vague definition in modern science since everone knows it will change due to selective pressure.--Vandh 00:19, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

Sorry to burst your little nationalistic bubble, but personally, I don't care. If you are so sick of editing on talk pages, then please leave Wikipedia. Wiki Raja 00:38, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

Are you the Owner of Wikipedia or are you the boss???. You have Crowned yourself as Raja that doesnt mean you are the Raja of everything.Yes I am sick of Idiots like you in wikipedia.BTW which part of Jaffna you are from?.Must be from Chinnakkadai area.--Vandh 00:53, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

Please refrain from personal attacks and name calling. Also, that question about what part of Jaffna was for Asian2duracell, unless you are him yourself which I do not doubt. As for where I am from, that is of no one's concern other than what you see on my page.Wiki Raja 00:56, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

please refrain from acting like a boss pls refrain from provoking others,pls refrain from unnecessary doubting, pls refrain from passing Cynical remarks on other peoples nationaltic,cultural values.Thank You very Much.--Vandh 01:38, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

Do not make personal attacks anywhere in Wikipedia. Comment on content, not on the contributor. Personal attacks will not help you make a point; they hurt the Wikipedia community and deter users from helping create a good encyclopedia. Please read up on WP:NPA. Thank you. Wiki Raja 01:56, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

Thank you I request you to follow this too.Personally attcaking me doubting that I am duracell or someother should be stopped from NOW.--Vandh 03:00, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for the reply, but I have never personally attacked you. Also, using all caps makes it look like you are shouting. If you are shouting, then I take that as a threat. So, please refrain from shouting and do please take the time to read what personal attacks are about on WP:NPA. Thank you.Wiki Raja 03:11, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

o.k but I have never heard of anyone calling people Mad just because they used exclamation marks.You did have grudge on me thinking that I am duracel.I even posted a decent message that I did'nt want to have any conversation with you.But you did'nt comply.I have never used foul languages nor personal attacks.Pls dont confuse me with other.pls dont assume.Thanks anyway.--Vandh 04:07, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

Well, as it turns out, Duracell and Vandh never gave any evidence to their rubbish statement that dalits or untouchables started out light-skinned and turned dark because they were exposed to the hot sun: So that fact is now officially WRONG! Besides, No matter what Vandh and Duracell's opinions are, I've said what I need to say and the truth is that the caste system in India is discrimination! Most of the people who perform the worst tasks at the bottom of the caste system such as untouchables and unseeables have darker complexions and that is the bottom line! I don't have to say anything anymore, because I know that what I say is the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH. The end. Besides Vandh, you're not sick of explaining anything, you're sick of LYING! You Vandh, and Duracell have used FOUL language throughout the conversation. But interestingly, besides the FOUL language, neither of you have ever made any sense in what you say and all you both have done by being impulsive is proving me RIGHT. So in conclusion, Vandh and Duracell need to just give it up and go back to kindergarten. --Bcr 7:53, March 8 2007

O.K I am thinking of enrolling in the school in which you studied where they teach to find your relatives based on skin pattern,irrelavntly arguing without making any sense, learning from afrocentric materials Only ,good in complaining,thinking that you have better knowledge about other people country,culture than they themselves without even knowing how they really look,stealing other peoples cultures,heritage as yours Giving so much importance to color but complain about it too.the list goes on.Thank you.THE END.--Vandh 03:20, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

Okay, so now you want to enroll in my school. At least there you will find history books that prove me right and you wrong. Disregarding my opinion on color, everything else I say is practically right. I may of exaggerated some things, but overall I am basically right. Besides, because of your hatred for blacks as it appears on the previous archives, I don't think you would want to enroll in my school! Either way, the truth does not change. The caste system in India is discrimination and Vandh and Duracell are racist. There are plenty of my Indian classmates (who were once untouchable) that agree with me anyway! THE END. --Bcr 7:53, March 9 2007

If there are so many Indian classmates (who were once untouchable) are getting educated in America(overseas educated) then you yourself know that caste discrimation(presently)is not that bad as you think!.(95% of the so called upper caste or any average person cant afford an overseas education).But caste discrimination or any discrimination is very bad and no one is inferior or superior to any one.Finally I dont know if you accept what I say or not but I am certainly not against blacks.Not agreeing with your points doesnt mean that I am reacists.Thanks anyway.All the best to you.--Vandh 11:22, 10 March 2007 (UTC) All the best to you.

But these are students "outside" India in the United States. So the caste system still is presently bad. You did make some idiotic comments on the last archive about blacks, so it's not that I wasn't accepting what you said, because you actually did make some comments. But anyway, I'm sure you didn't mean what you said now that you say you are not against blacks. And on my side, you may of thought that I was racist, but I wasn't. I just happen to know a lot of things. I don't hate ayrans and neither am I afrocentric. I just happen to be aware of some things going on in the world. I like everyone; whites, blacks, ayrans, dravidians, and chinese, so I don't hate everyone, but I know that among all these people, you may find some people that will make you sick. When you talked about the Hutu/Tutsi conflict, I was very upset. I just can't understand how some blacks, including some africans, can't get along, but yet get along better with other races such as europeons. Maybe you didn't know this, but the Hutu extremists were armed and trained by the ignorant French when they were trying to wipe out the Tutsis and moderate hutus in 1994. Eventually, the Hutu extremists were defeated by Tutsi and moderate hutu rebels, but the whole situation just shows you the stupidity in this world. However, maybe you didn't know this either, but the hutus and tutsis lived together in peace for centuries untill the Europeans came and divided them. So don't get anything confused with what I am saying, I just happen to know the truth about certain things. And next time, if you have a debate with someone, don't be so quick to make disparaging comments about that person. Especially if you make comments about someone's race, because you may offend someone. On the other hand, I am glad that you can at least accept that the India caste system is a horrible apocalypse, and I may of labeled you as a racist, but you did make some ignorant comments against blacks. But anyway, you have your own opinion, and I have the truth, and that's where the road ends! --Bcr 7:53, March 10 2007

[edit] Relationship to europeans and east asian?

I read somewhere that states the modern people of europe, the middle east, east and southeast asia, basically the whole eurasia and americas were descendants of australoid type people who adapted to their respective climates into the modern mongoloid and caucasoid people. Is this true? If it is, it might be worth mentioning CanCanDuo 23:00, 23 March 2007 (UTC)