Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation

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The Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation was formed from the February 1, 1992 merger of the Overseas Telecommunications Commission into the Australian Telecommunications Corporation. The merged body continued to trade under its former identities of Telecom Australia and OTC. In April 1993 its business name was changed to Telstra Corporation Limited and it traded internationally under this name from that point onward, but domestically it retained the Telecom Australia identity until July 1, 1995, after which it adopted the Telstra name domestically as well.

[edit] See also

Current and former telecommunications and postal organisations of the Commonwealth Government

Postmaster-General's Department | Overseas Telecommunications Commission | Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation | Telstra

Telecom Australia (official names: ATC (commission) | ATC (corporation))

Australia Post (official names: APC (commission) | APC (corporation))