Australian Painted Snipe

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Australian Painted Snipe
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Charadriiformes
Family: Rostratulidae
Genus: Rostratula
Species: R. australis
Binomial name
Rostratula australis
Gould, 1838

The Australian Painted Snipe Rostratula australis is a medium-sized, long-billed, distinctively patterned wader.


[edit] Taxonomy

The distinctiveness of the Australian Painted Snipe was recognised by John Gould in 1838 when he described and named it Rostratula australis. However, it was subsequently lumped with the Greater Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis. More recently it has been shown that the differences between these taxa warrant recognition at the species level. Compared with the Greater Painted Snipe, the Australian Painted Snipe:

  • has a longer wing, shorter bill and shorter tarsus
  • has a chocolate brown, rather than rufous, head and neck in the female
  • has round, rather than flat and visually barred, spots on the tail (female) and upper wing-coverts (male)
  • apparently lacks a call

[edit] Description

Head, neck and upper breast chocolate brown (male dark grey with buff median stripe on crown), fading to rufous in centre of hindneck and merging to dark, barred grey of back. Cream comma-shaped mark around eye. Diagnostic white stripe on side of breast and over shoulders. Grey upperwing (male with buff spots). White lower breast and underbody. Males are generally slightly smaller and less bright than females. Juveniles are similar to adult males. No call has been recorded.

Measurements: length 24-30 cm, wingspan 50-54 cm, weight 125-130 g.

[edit] Distribution and habitat

The Australian Painted Snipe is endemic to Australia, though its distribution is patchy and its presence in any particular area is unpredictable. A previous stronghold was the Riverina. It frequents shallow, freshwater wetlands with a thick cover of low vegetation, disappearing when conditions become unsuitable.

[edit] Conservation

The species has declined drastically during the 20th century and is rare throughout its range. Causes of the decline are ascribed to wetland drainage, river management and salinisation, as well as grazing and trampling of wetlands by stock. Estimates of the total population range from a few hundred to a few thousand. In Australia it is classified as being nationally threatened with a rating of Vulnerable.

[edit] Behaviour

[edit] Diet

Wetland invertebrates such as worms, molluscs, insects and crustaceans; also seeds and other vegetation.

[edit] Breeding

Breeding Painted Snipe prefer temporary but recently flooded wetlands, with low cover for shelter, shallow water and exposed mud for feeding, and small islands on which to nest. They nest in ground scrapes or on mounds in water, lined with grass, leaves and twigs, where they lay clutches of 3-4 cream-coloured eggs marked with black streaks. Incubation takes 15-16 days. The young are precocial and nidifugous.

[edit] References