Australian Film Television and Radio School

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The Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) is the Australian national centre for professional education and advanced training in film, television, radio and digital media. The School is an Australian Commonwealth government statutory authority. It began in 1973 as part of the Commonwealth Government's strategy to promote the development of Australia's cultural activity. It is a member of the "Australian Roundtable for Arts Training Excellence".

AFTRS is located at purpose-built premises at North Ryde, Sydney and has state offices or representatives in most capital cities in Australia. AFTRS accepts around 100 students each year in its full-time postgraduate programs with a further 5000 students undertaking courses in the national short course program. Courses are organised around 13 specialist teaching departments. Full-time courses are open only to Australian citizens and permanent residents of Australia.

AFTRS aims to advance the success and sustainability of Australia's screen and broadcast industries by developing the skills and knowledge of talented individuals and undertaking leading-edge research. AFTRS aims to transform the abilities of individuals and strengthen the skills base of the industry.

[edit] Alumni

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