Australian Council of Social Service

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The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) is an Australian advocacy group that represents the interests of organisations and individuals engaged in social welfare in Australia. It was formed in 1956.

ACOSS is active in areas of social policy that are of interest or benefit to these organisations and individuals, mainly social security and social service matters. Indirectly, ACOSS also advocates on behalf of those primarily serviced by social welfare organisations and individuals, such as the working poor and unemployed, the homeless, the disabled, and those otherwise impacted by social disadvantage or poverty.

The ACOSS President is often interviewed by Australian media for social comment on social matters and policies of the Government of Australia.


[edit] Governance

ACOSS has a 20 person volunteer Board of Governors. An Executive of 7 carries out business between Board meetings.

[edit] Presidents

[edit] Members

[edit] National ACOSS Members

  • A.C.E. National Network
  • Adult Learning Australia
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia
  • Anglicare Australia
  • Association of Services Supporting Australia’s Families
  • Australian Association of Social Workers
  • Australian Baha'i Community
  • Australian Conference of Leaders of Religious Institutes
  • Australian Council of Housing Societies
  • Australian Council of State School Organisations
  • Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations
  • Australian Federation of Deaf Societies
  • Australian Federation of Homelessness Organisations
  • Australian Federation of Pregnancy Support Services
  • Australian Financial Counselling and Credit Reform Association
  • Australian Foster Care Association
  • Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers
  • Australian Pensioners' and Superannuants Federation
  • Australian Psychological Society
  • Australian Youth Affairs Coalition
  • Boys Town
  • Brain Injury Australia
  • Brotherhood of St Laurence
  • Carers Australia
  • Collective of National Link of Neighbourhood Houses & Community Learning Centres
  • Community Housing Federation of Australia
  • Consumers' Health Forum
  • Council of Australian Humanists' Societies
  • COTA/National Seniors
  • Cystic Fibrosis Australia
  • DADAA National Network
  • Deafness Forum of Australia
  • Doctors Reform Society of Australia
  • Family Services Australia
  • International Social Services – Australian Branch
  • Jewish Care Australia
  • Job Futures Ltd
  • Jobs Australia
  • Lifeline Australia
  • Mission Australia
  • National Association of Community Based Children's Services
  • National Association of Community Legal Centres
  • National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS
  • National Association of Services Against Sexual Violence
  • National Community Housing Forum
  • National Council of Single Mothers and their Children
  • National Rural Health Alliance
  • National Shelter
  • National Union of Students
  • National Welfare Rights Network
  • Oz Child/ Children Australia
  • Palliative Care Australia
  • Parkinson’s Australia
  • People with Disabilities Australia
  • Playgroup Australia
  • Public Health Association of Australia
  • Relationships Australia
  • Roman Catholic Church in Australia
    • Catholic Social Justice Council
    • Catholic Welfare Australia (including Centacare)
  • SANE Australia
  • Secretariat National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care
  • Sexual Health and Family Planning Australia
  • Superannuated Commonwealth Officers Association
  • The Mercy Foundation
  • The Salvation Army Australia Eastern Territory
  • The Salvation Army Australia Southern Territory
  • The Smith Family
  • UnitingCare Australia
  • Volunteering Australia
  • Women with Disabilities Australia
  • Women's Electoral Lobby Australia
  • WESNET – The Women’s Services Network
  • Young Women's Christian Association of Australia

[edit] Affiliate ACOSS Members

[edit] External links